
The 2.0 version is far less garbage-y.

Not too surprising. There isn't really anything original anymore, people usually just take what they like from other things and mix them together, or people just have the same idea as another person. There's no real way to telling if the artist really took the idea from the cover or not, but it's possible. Either way,

Dear motion blur,

you sound like the average american idiot. even with perfect speeds from my isp at peak hours netflix will still stutter at times or lag out its not on my end its just pure congestion from my isp connection to netflix. it is both companies problem yes. why should the cable companies be the ones who are forced to

The messed up part is, FCC is right to make that assumption, and they'll have the backing of the media. It's not just FOX News that will peddle these new rules as good for "freedom" and "capitalism." MSNBC, CNBC and CNN will do the same (but under different reasons) since they're also run by big corporations who would

Oculus didn't invent VR.

Hmm, it's one thing to paint a PC game distro service as having too many games, but to paint it that way while the New Gen consoles are suffering from a paucity of games, that's a bit rich.

That isn't the way the world works. There are budgetary and ethical concerns.

The threat is actually real, it's a Kotaku commenter known as Gr4bb and it spreads fast.

I'm South Korean, and I seriously want to nuke my people...

Agreed. Great idea, but a complete mess of a film and riddled with plot holes.

The movie took itself too seriously. You can't have a scene where everyone stops fighting to celebrate a new year and then have a somber scene where Chris Evans breaks down and cry about something dark that transpired 17 years ago for 5 minutes. I found myself chuckling more and more as the movie went on.

I'm not sure if we saw the same movie, Luke. I found the concept and execution of the film to be "meh". As you mentioned, there were three great performances, and the rest just felt not worth the time.

Did we see the same movie? I watched this a few weeks back, and wow was it just a big old mess of bad. I've watched plenty of Korean, Japanese, and Hong Kong films over the years, seen plenty of good with bad, and this one was poor on plot, high on social message. The best way I can describe it, is that it felt like

I watched it a week ago and was thoroughly disappointed.


Not exactly correct. You can pick and choose games as you please, but on MY Genesis, I played the Shining Force series, Phantasy Star 4, Shadowrun (the superior open-ended gameplay Genesis one), Beyond Oasis, and other fantastic games like that. Those games absolutely compared, and in some cases beat the pants off

We pretty much did the same thing right after the Japanese surrender was signed on the USS Missouri.

There was a time when I was really excited about Super Time Force. But in the years(?) since then, I've unhooked my 360 to make room for my PS4, and since it's an Xbox exclusive, I have to pass on it now. I'm not going to hook up my 360 again just for one XBLA game. If it was on PS3, PS4, or Wii U, I'd buy it in a