
About what was to be expected really, it's nicer on the Xbox One though still.

Well, the game resolution doesn't go that high anyway.

Another difference. One of the two titles fills me with fond memories. The other makes me groan every time i see it. I hate Kojima.

It's cod every year they reskin it and use it again fuck the ending is the same as all the endings before a chase followed by player/enemy trying to crawl for the gun that the enemy dropped, cod is always in the same situations many a time playing ghost I was thinking is this a map from blops is this from mw2/3 so

Damn, that's how easy it is to port to consoles nowadays? Just a copy-paste job?

Did someone let you out of your cage again?

This is not pokemon

I'm sure every single one of them got through this amazingly well designed system in a legit manner, are all great, complete games and Valve totally did everything properly.

GTA 5 is a mediocre game. Bad story, big world but few interiors, many technical problems. Online got even more technical problems, with big render problems. All in all a game where the resources have been wasted, and should probably have waited for next-gen, but they didn't do that since the user base is too small

I agree that GTA glorifies violence in a disgusting sensationalistic way, and this coming from a fan of games like Carmageddon and Mortal Kombat.

Please, read the article first.

youre gonna wanna tighten that interest there...

I'll just say this, your Sean Bean trailer was pretty amazing.

I'm sure the Chinese slave labor making them for us thanks the free market every day (right before their morning gruel). Thanks for pointing that out.

I would say the kid is quite genre savvy to pull that off at the age of 9.

Unpopular opinion here.

But after almost being done with the story mode (from what I've been told I'm like 80% into the main story) I still don't consider this game to be THAT good.

The world is AMAZING I can agree on that. The attention to detail is really impressive, as these videos show, to the point that is

How is that? I loved Mech Warrior (especially 2 and Mercenaries), but I was turned off from MWO because of the F2P aspects, and the "sponsor packages."

Steam seem to be a lot more lax on what they're letting in lately... there's some truly horrendous and broken games popping up on Steam. Greenlight's getting TOO easy.

Well, the trick is that the team isn't the same anymore. People move on, or get reassigned, or lose inspiration. Sonic 3 had a perfect storm of developers, and they had not only a great vision but sublime execution.

If you were to play Battlefield 3 footage alongside Battlefield 4 footage I honestly probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference.