

Consider: The base market for Train Simulator, this may be the only video game they really spend money on. No worrying about AAA titles or buying lots of different stuff during Steam sales. They get their Train Simulator, spread their DLC purchases (for stuff they actually want) out over time.

For train enthusiasts, it is certainly cheaper than buying your own full size locomotive and then laying your own tracks over land that you'd have to lease/purchase... unless you're this guy:

for the same reason there's people (me included) that enjoy realistic car driving simulators, or flying simulators, most of those games are super technical and take a lot of the arcade-y fun out of the equation, but there's always micro management of controls and settings, etc. and hey, a lot of people love that stuff

The controls in GTA have always been a disaster. I'm not sure why. It was acceptable in GTA3 because who knew, but by this time they've had tons of other games doing it much better, including some of their own! You mentioned many of them, but one you didn't mention was Sleeping Dogs, which I think really nailed most

"Yeah so this game is great... except for the gameplay." This is why I can't understand why this turd of a series is so popular. It has to be because media always talks about how controversial it is, which pretty much cements it as a purchase by children and immature adults everywhere.

How about how the mission structure is painfully dull to the point of boredom? I'd say that 90% of "time played" in missions amounts to "drive and listen to people talk."

Sleeping Dogs did a lot of little things to improve on the formula that both could learn from.

Considering these are two major flaws that hindered my enjoyment of GTAIV, I think I'm going to stand my initial decision to wait for GTAV to hit $30 with all the eventual DLC included.

There's no room for that crap in the social media world we live in. Logic, self-censoring, and a sense of healthy distrust are all long gone my friend. Now it's peer pressure to reveal more and more in some twisted attempt to feel validated. Anger over PRISM is wasted when the average response has been a disinterested

So, if you care, your a conspiracist?

Its ridiculously shitty how everyone is so complacent about this shit. Oh the NSA is doing whatever the fuck they want. Haha who cares as long as my life doesn't get bothered who cares how many gag orders they throw down from secret courts and how many business they invade or cause to dismantle unless they meet

Philosopher. I wasn't even remotely surprised to hear about PRISM. Honestly, the only part that shocked me was that so many people didn't know it was obviously happening, and had been for a long while.

Except that Breaking Bad is narratively satisfying, whereas GTAV just sort of bibbles around for a while and then ends.

Or you know... you could just... not buy it

"Free the games"

I like the idea of Ouya, both in it's focus on indie devs and and that it is a small start up dedicated to gaming and not a monolithic corporation like Sony or Microsoft... but yeah, it seems like it has pretty much failed already. I'm pretty sure the executives are just incompetent (for instance, this kickstarter

The title comes from the short story of the same name, but yeah, true enough! Game titles suck, just like movie titles.