
First, learn to use the Kinja quote function. It makes life easier for everyone.

Im not sure what you are arguing.

Slavery was limited to BLACKS, who were made property because of their skin color. Because BLACKS were considered sub-human.

In a way, they were enslaving white people

I mean where does Fox find these self loathing black folks?

I’m just not eager to give her the benefit of the doubt of being anything other than a racist piece of shit.

Rapists don’t rape because they are lonely. It is always about power and control.

I don’t think you can separate the racism from the economic exploitation here. It wasn’t as if slavery was the result of just a bunch of “entrepreneurs” finding a loophole. Slavery was an acceptable economic solution because of the way they viewed these people to begin with.

They still are, just by a computer rather than a person

Smith is actually promoting CRT with this statement, but he doesn’t realize it.
CRT is a Marxist theory of historiography. Marxism in this sense doesn’t refer to communism, but to the idea that history was/is driven by materialistic realities and not ideals. The alternative term that doesn’t make Republican heads

They wouldn’t risk hitting a fellow white woman. They wouldn’t try playing it up.

Let’s not confuse being an entitled, racist cunt with an actual, treatable mental illness.

Go find a Styrofoam cup. Hold it up to a speaker. You can feel the vibration.
Styrofoam is very brittle and cracks, but it wont crack due to noise.

This is also how many invasive crayfish have moved across the country. Many fisherman lose/drop bait and it survives.

I was going to say “delusional narcissist”? But I am not a professional, just a rando on the internet

I am very concerned about Elphick. Not because I think she was harmed, but because that level of adult tantrum is indicative of a serious mental health issue.

“That’s not what I remember”

We are all sick of game of thrones. It was a concept that ultimately didn’t deliver. We all invested days of our lives into following the story and didn’t get much from that effort.

They will have cameras recording everything you do inside that trailer as well as use them for facial recognition.
