
Dell, this might be a good pivot for why “compromised encryption” is problematic. It sounds like someone hacked RSA.

You don’t have a right to refuse to testify at a trial. You only have the right not to incriminate yourself.

I don’t know if anybody would have the courage to give me the case, but if you give me the case, I will prosecute it as a racketeering case, which I kind of invented anyway

I apologize that my ramblings were difficult to understand. I appreciate you terminating the conversation with an insult. It is always a pleasure to have such discussions.

I literally agreed that certain gun laws would have a significant impact on mass shootings. My point was that mass shootings account for a tiny number of deaths.

gun control would have a significant impact on mass shootings, which are rare to the point of basically being non-existent in places like the UK

It almost seems as if George Lucas skipped basic philosophy to study film making /s

That has me a bit concerned. In King’s Vision, Wanda’s rejection is the entire motive for his attempt at being human. Also, his robot wife is a fascinating character.

Hubbert specifically limited his curve to existing oil fields, as his original hypothesis was about the lifecycle of specific fields using existing technologies. His estimates were accurate and a good(but obvious) way of pointing out that extraction was going to slow down rather than just fall off a cliff at some

The problem is that peak oil, as conceived, isn’t a discussion about some coming economic disaster that needs to be fixed. It is an extrapolation that oil fields(and oil in general) all have finite lives.

(Also, the suicide number is directly related to the prevalence of gun)

Ok, I guess now I need to pay attention to WandaVision.
Is this going to be an adaptation of “Vision”? Because I don’t see how that works nearly as well with Wanda. It seems like it will be as unfulfilling as Watchmen(fun, but forgettable)

You are going to have to show me where someone has actually posted information about the panhandling regulations. It looks like everyone is just speculating wildly.

“since we can always pump out more oil at a faster rate”

This is a bit of a conundrum. While I applaud Manning for standing up to power, the courts obviously need a means to compel uncooperative witnesses to testify. Otherwise, everyone would just ignore subpoena and nothing would get resolved.

Peak oil and price do not(and probably won’t be correlated).

How is panhandling illegal? NYC tried that shit and got smacked down based on a 1st amendment violation.

This probably isn’t true, but if those “other guests” were frequent visitors to the hotel or platinum marriott members, I could see a different procedure for their check-in. Gonzalez’s membership in a free program wouldn’t automatically mean that she holds some status in the program

Matt, I’ve never heard peak oil defined in the terms you are using.
Peak oil = peak production numbers(some people argue peak availability, since we can always pump out more oil at a faster rate)

So, a couple of things that confuse me.
FBI: The FBI is domestic intelligence. If they were involved at all with your Dad, then he was an informant for the “community”
CIA/FBI: If your dad was actively monitored by them, then I would think it is very likely that he was providing intel for them. Even if he didn’t really