
This is going to be awful.
Wachowskis(is that the plural?) are great directors, but they are the modern version of George Lucas. Brilliant technical directors who just stink when asked to work on any kind of story/plot/etc.

Sony cannot do anything good for a long period of time. We know this to be true.

If you read economists and the ilk, they almost never say that “poor people lack financial literacy”. They generally argue that ALL(or most) people lack financial literacy. At least, that has been the trend in the last few decades. Most people are just pre-wired to make really weird economic decisions. It doesn’t

In this context, what does “dox” mean?

So, if we mock Trump for being stupid, we are implying he is an asshole because he is stupid?

No, the problem is just a change in the game. This is similar to when offensive linemen started being allowed to adjust and point. In the 80s and early 90s, that shit would have been called as a false start in a heartbeat. The refs got used to the idea and the players learned NOT to use it as a method to draw the

Putting a mask on him and pumping it full of helium for ten minutes would kill him painlessly

Shout out to Twisted Spike Brewery in OKC.
Bruce Sanchez is a fantastic brewer. His Belgians are awesome(but so are all of his beers)

Maybe it’s a Russian thing. Over there, you get into hot coals with powers-to-be and you wake up with radioactive itsgonnakillium 666 up your ass.

Michael, I have a question. Am I to understand that this happened in July?

So, worst case someone makes a fraudelent charge on your Chase Sapphire Reserve or your Amex Platinum card?

You are right Brian, we are right on the verge of drastically cutting carbon emissions. If only we can nuke China, India, and a few other large countries we will totally fix things /s

If you can check in, it’s also an indication you have a confirmed ticket; just be sure to do this before you arrive at the airport

Not discriminatory = I don’t do shit to specific groups and falls under the civil Rights act

If you had a friend who couldn’t understand the concept of “estimate” and “rounding”, then he had a developmental issue.

Wow, they sound like the worst. Why would any sane person choose to live that way. These SJWs sound like literal demons of your imagination

Lol. You can't really debate the point, so you have to resort to hyperbole and ad hominems? Typical low-energy troll

I didn't say I was making an analogy. I was making a point. I guess you might be too stupid to get the difference

I think there is a valid discussion to be had about tolerance for debate in modern “millennials” culture(i.e. Voltaire’s quote)