So, if we mock Trump for being stupid, we are implying he is an asshole because he is stupid?
So, if we mock Trump for being stupid, we are implying he is an asshole because he is stupid?
No, the problem is just a change in the game. This is similar to when offensive linemen started being allowed to adjust and point. In the 80s and early 90s, that shit would have been called as a false start in a heartbeat. The refs got used to the idea and the players learned NOT to use it as a method to draw the…
Putting a mask on him and pumping it full of helium for ten minutes would kill him painlessly
Shout out to Twisted Spike Brewery in OKC.
Bruce Sanchez is a fantastic brewer. His Belgians are awesome(but so are all of his beers)
Maybe it’s a Russian thing. Over there, you get into hot coals with powers-to-be and you wake up with radioactive itsgonnakillium 666 up your ass.
Michael, I have a question. Am I to understand that this happened in July?
So, worst case someone makes a fraudelent charge on your Chase Sapphire Reserve or your Amex Platinum card?
If you can check in, it’s also an indication you have a confirmed ticket; just be sure to do this before you arrive at the airport
If you had a friend who couldn’t understand the concept of “estimate” and “rounding”, then he had a developmental issue.
Michael, what is the victim’s last name? I’m confused as hell.
I travel about 15 times per year and I have for about 12 years.
I have only forgot my hotel room number a handful of times. This just isn’t a problem for most people.
That is awful, but the whole reason you found those articles is because they were violating the rights of US citizens.
The car crash scene earlier established for everyone, including children, that he doesn’t experience it.
Hey Jerry. Yeah, you Jerry!
Katherine Johnson is a remarkable person and her story is inspiring.
However, I would recommend that you not forget Mary Jackson. Despite being a lesser role in the movie, her contribution probably exceeds that of Ms. Johnson.
She was the first black female engineer at NASA. She eventually became one of the most senior…
Off the top of my head, I think the placebo effect in migraine treatments actually may not be wholly “placebo”.
Considering that it’s Gates, he probably brought a Power Point presentation that Trump could have misread (especially given how bag sight it in people his age). Or Trump had a brain fart. It’s not really any worse than getting them confused when mocking someone for getting them confused.
Who posted a video mocking a toddler wearing a tefilin?
Where do we draw the line exactly?
Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is the most powerful politician in Texas. Lt. Gov. runs the government. You only become “Governor of Texas” if you want to run for the office of President.