
I have a question!
Pecker apparently ran/didn’t run stories at the behest of the president. There seems to be specific evidence that Trump demanded certain behavior(apology for negative press) in return for having a story killed.

Those were bankers. It’s okay to wreck their shit.

Beth, you don’t exactly have to get into holistic all-natural crazy town to avoid “antiperspirant”.

I would start with the Six Pack/Wild Pack and also X-Force. Work back from there. That is where the whole story line is coming from.

This is Liefield-Deadpool

Is that just how Dallas sportswriters are covering their ass nowadays?
“I was visiting the felons or whatever you call guys at Cowboys training camp”

Couple of hypothesis for the San Antonio thing... 1) copy cat or 2) same perpetrator(s) expanding their territory based on confidence. The guy is a capable engineer or technical expert, but not so good that their bombs won’t go off early.

Let me try to put this bluntly: You are claiming that red meat=heart disease. I want to know the mechanism. I want to know “why” it is bad. It doesn’t seem to make much sense that simply eating redder meat is bad. Almost all of the AHA and similar say something like: “Generally, it is higher in fat and fat is

I am asking you to explain the mechanism, because it doesn’t make any sense to me.
The TMAO thing makes more sense.

Protonmail is encrypted email. What you see on your end in gmail is essentially a little popup saying “view the encrypted mail”. If they set it to expire, you won’t have the ability to view that message after 2 hours.

A simpler way to think of it: They are not sending you a text message. They are sending you a link to

I was too mean about the NYT article. That was rude.
However, those are not cherry-picked quotes. Every single article you linked either commented that the link was tenuous or that it was inconclusive.

I invite you to prove me wrong. I specifically used WHO to point out the difference between a 2A conclusion and a Type

From the studies:

Don’t eat red meat.

Lol, ok, so have literally ever heard of avoiding red meat. Why the histrionics and hyperbole?? That’s all you had to say.

Well, let me be clear. The American Heart Association has been issuing guidance against red meat since the 1950s.

No, they all say avoid TMAO

I’m betting your point is that usually we buy ground meat based on how lean it is — 90/10 lean, 85/15, etc. so it doesn’t make sense to compare how lean one is vs. the other. And in terms of fats, calories, cholesterol, & protein it’s either a wash or turkey’s worse. This really surprised me.

Literally never? Really? Anyone who has had a heart attack is told to avoid red meat. Anyone with high blood pressure is told to avoid red meat. Anyone with a history of heart disease is told to avoid red meat. Anyone with high cholesterol is told to avoid red meat.

It has less grease. With ground beef, you brown it and it fills the pan with grease but you don’t even have to drain turkey.

To be fair, cattle is worse for the environment, all things equal. I know it’s not one of the metrics here, but it could be one argument for turkey > beef.

beef is not very good for you in everyday doses