
That’s not how etymology works. “Niggard rigged” never happened.

In particular I remember that being an early example of Hollywood shoving Ryan Reynolds at an audience, Poochie-style (god, is he at his most irritating in that flick). Really don’t blame Wesley, ego or no.

But generally remaking the same show in a different country, you pay a royalty to reuse the format. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, Top Gear, Big Brother, Pop Idol, Robot Wars, etc, all ponied up for the rights to the concept.

Ok, while on this topic, how about you wade into this quadmire:

Niggar-rigged-something that is cheaply or haphazardly assembled

There are two possible etymologies:
1) Niggard rigged
“Niggard”-person who is unwilling to give or spend(predates the term “niggar”)
“Rigged”- Connect or secure to

2) Niggar rigged

If you can afford a $400,000 car, then you shouldn’t have issue paying your state’s sales taxes.

Well, not really weird.
The problem with your conception may be that you are thinking of two different things.
Voltage/Current/Resistance are all related:
As voltage increases, current will increase across a linear resistance

V=IR ( I will use V instead of E)
You could manipulate it so that I was removed. P=V^2/R

You drive on your state’s roads. How about you help pay for it.

Someone recently explained the “driver seat” video on youtube. The car is reasonably soundproof and lots of people have some kind of mount for their phone, so it makes a handy improptu “recording studio”.

It’s been a while since I had to run calculations on conductor heat, but I could have sworn if all things remain equal (I, E, and R, not P), and you increase either voltage or amplitude, conductor heat will also increase

Will. I probably didn’t explain it very well.

In the US, a standard service is 120V with 15/20A/30A.
In UK, a standard service is 240V with 5/10/15A breaker.

The wire is always sized appropriately. I think you missed the point.

I have a hair dryer. It uses 2000W of power.
Now, imagine I am an idiot and I plug it in to

I have a LITTLE experience, so I am going to jump in an try to provide some information.

This was probably a GSA contract. Basically, anyone who can do the paperwork can sign up for a GSA(general services administration) contract.
You could sign up to sell staples, do roofing, or provide meals.
The idea is that these

Consumer digs around the bottom of their bag for something, unknowingly separating the two connectors for a moment, allowing a paper clip to slip in, resting perfectly across both terminals.

Consumer plugs in charger, turns into a human Jiffy Pop.

God damn right. You know what America actually needs? People willing to bust their ass. America is a place where people come to make a better life, and shockingly, if you already live in a country with a better life, you’re probably not particularly interested in coming to America!

Politico reported the NSA actually briefed top White House staff from the very beginning. The wording Politico used said they were told to assume their phones already had been hacked and were recording them. Kushner and others are known to have ignored the warning. That is horrible from a national security

Personal phones are personal cameras, personal audio recorders, and locked personal notebooks.

I know he was hacked. But, if you think for a second they actually *care* about that...then where have you been the past year? This has everything to do with the Wolff book coming out.

You know that Gen. Kelly(white house chief-of-staff)‘s phone was hacked, right? He was using his personal phone too.

Apparently, after the NSA IT guys FINALLY explained it to him 3 months later, he decided to make it the official policy. This all actually sounds right.

The staffers can all go out to their cars on a

Actually ive read it before, its a great book, but the commenter made no indication at all that it was a joke, so....

No, that isn’t why we “x-ray” everything. We x-ray everything to look for bombs.

The job of the TSA isn’t to make sure that no one gets a sharp object through security. The airport is full of sharp objects. They sell giant bottles of glass at the duty-free store! Your luggage is full of long and possibly sharp pieces

If you’re planning on ZFS, you need ECC memory. Might be an issue if you’re planning on using an existing build.