
Pronoun usage requires an external judgment, and simply cannot rely on a case-by-case, individual request basis. It is 100% impractical and untenable.

People used to say the same thing about “Ms.”

Oh, EXCUSE me? You don’t think you can be Arabic and gender neutral?!?! Now, I’M offended at your disassociation of people of the Muslim faith with people who use gender-neutral pronouns!

I, myself, am partial to Xe/Xem, as “x” is a well-understood reference to variability.

Gonna blow your mind here, buddy. All languages are entirely made up of artificial constructs.

Using the term “team” is part of the masculinization of the workplace. Teams are connotative of male sports teams, and the language of the team sport is a very masculine-centric idea.

You should use the term “trzlbob” when referring to your work unit, as it is the new preferred term without gender, societal, caste, or

Except on the topic of pronouns. Every language has 1, maybe two pronouns for the same thing. Even two pronouns for the same thing is incredibly rare. You don’t get a plethora of pronouns. This is true in ALL LANGUAGES.

You know what you call a language with a plethora of pronouns for the same fucking thing? You call

You know what? Fuck it.
I am tolerant as shit, but as soon as someone starts getting all pedantic over words? I figure they can go fuck themselves. They can go fuck themselves with a non-penis-specific phallic object right in an orifice of my choosing!

It’s great not giving a shit about people you struggle to relate to but aren’t doing anything wrong! Empathy is sooooo hard amiright bro!?

Fucking forget MyFitnessPal!!!!
Get MyPlate instead.

It is the same company! Basically, the people who created “MyFitnessPal” sold the app to UnderArmour. Then they relaunched the exact same functional app as “MyPlate” without any annoying ads as MyPlate.

I know there are a million food tracker apps, and I wouldn’t

Honest question: Do you think abortion is really the issue there, or is it that support for anti-abortion candidates overlaps closely with support for white candidates? In other words, are they hiding behind one seemingly unimpeachable voting issue to disguise another, less savory motive?

Stress level managed easily.
Seriously, as a professional person with at least a bachelor’s degree(85% of fed employees have a degree), you should be able to afford to forgo a month of salary without it seriously causing a ton of stress. Particularly if that is due to a hiccup in accounting and not due to a loss of

Is your argument we should deny public spaces and programs to underserved populations because it makes you uncomfy to be faced with their existence? GTFO of here with that nonsense.

A pound of Cucumber has, if you could completely burn it for energy..water and all..the EXACT same caloric content as that pound of chocolate. It’s physics, this is non-negotiable. If they both weigh a pound inside Earth’s gravity well then they have the exact same mass. The difference between the chocolate and

No you don’t “own” it. if you buy a Tesla you agree not to Uber or Lyft with it and if you improperly use the supercharging system they will cut you off.

Just not my name, but several name twins of mine (with different middle initials) had the exact same thing.
Pucksr(TX) - pro net neutrality
Pucksr (MO)- anti net neutrality

Puck St(FL) - pro
Puck St(LA) - anti

Puck rs (NY) - pro
Puck rs (KS) - anti

I think that the “fakers” actually took the list and then generated an

Most expensive equipment: Gas Range/Convection Oven. Worth it. I highly recommend you buy an oven. Get a nice one, with better temp controls and a convection fan.

Fancy Salt? No. It is NaCl. I buy it for $0.50/lb

Fuck/Marry/Kill is a fun game. It is crass, but in a fun way. Let us be very clear. However, you don’t typically get to FMK friends and co-workers. If you propose it, it generally has to be an absurd scenario involving strangers.

Example: FMK Trump/Kim Jong Un/Putin

Barry, great ideas all around.
We should just tell coaches to scratch all of the fake field goals, fake punts, etc out of their playbooks.

In fact, we should just minimize all risk and always kick the ball on 4th down. Don’t even try to go for it. You don’t want to look bad to the sports writers!