You left off aquatic animals.
Fish and decapods(shrimp/crayfish) are regularly mailed by aquarium enthusiasts.
You left off aquatic animals.
Fish and decapods(shrimp/crayfish) are regularly mailed by aquarium enthusiasts.
Yeah, why do you need to write an article about just clicking “update”?
Condom failure, in my experience, is frequently due to lube usage.
Either inappropriate lube(don’t use silicone lube with condoms) usage or inadequate lube usage(friction is the condom killer).
This is entirely off-topic:
But for some reason I always see Dr. Ben Carson as evidence that doctors are not necessarily “smart” people. He is a very intelligent person who I would gladly trust with my life, if I needed brain surgery.
However, I would not trust Dr. Carson to do nearly anything else.
This article should be called: Obvious Stuff Everyone Should Know!
Can you also write an article about how chiropractors are basically snake oil?
Maybe explain that a D.O. is a Medical Doctor who went to a “VooDoo” school?
You would probably be really surprised that you can take the battery of some cars while they are running.
I don’t think you understand how electrical circuits work in cars.
If it is a 3+ hour flight, you are generally on a larger plane.
You also have some idea of whom is sitting behind you.
Also, people are not working on their laptops for the entirety of a 15 hour flight. I fully expect people to sleep on those flights. I don’t expect people to need good sleep on a flight from Dallas to…
Your goals for 20 vs 30 year accounts shouldn’t be that different.
Also, many 529s don’t have a particularly diverse range of options. Heck, some are just pre-pay plans.
1) Can you double check that? I believe that the earnings will not be taxed if distributed for education costs.
2) “If you’ve made enough contributions to a Roth IRA where it covers college without dipping into appreciation, I could see it being advantageous.”
You miss the point. You should be making those…
I never said it was an intelligence test. Its an aptitude test, and it does evidence aptitude for college so it is not a garbage test.
Once you realize that, you start to realize that a 529 is really more of a tax-haven for grandparents to give money to their grandkids(you can deposit up to $70k in a year) OR as some other more exotic tax avoidance( in many states 529 nets you a state tax deduction), rather than a normal and strategic account for…
My advice still stands: Max out all normal retirement vehicles BEFORE worrying about college.(You should be saving >20% towards retirement)
Ummm, what?
Maybe I missed something, but both a Roth and a 529 are post-tax savings plans. So you pay taxes on the money that goes into a 529 and a Roth.
Are you talking about the distribution?
If you use a 529 for school, you don’t pay taxes.
The same is true for a Roth.
My point was that you should have maxed out your retirement savings before using a 529.
A Roth or 401k can be used for college.
A 529 CANNOT be used for retirement.
You will almost definitely live to retirement age(>90% chance). There is a much lower chance that your kid will have to pay for college. (50% chance)
Just to check, can’t you also just use your Roth IRA in the exact same way?
I believe a Roth IRA can be used for you or your children’s education. It is post-tax too.
529s are really only useful if you live in a state with a state income tax. In a state without income tax, it doesn’t seem to make much sense. Unless you…
Just to clarify, I got the feeling that he was more “confused” than “not proud”. He says that his mother and father were white, as far as he knows.
Being “proud of his African heritage” would kind of require him to rethink his ancestry. It sounds like MAYBE the person he thinks is his father is NOT his father?
RKelly is not mentally ill. He is a predator
Most of your store-bought tomatoes aren’t hybrids. Roma/celebrity/San Marzano are all heirloom.
Heirloom=you grow the same plant from the seed
Hybrid=You can’t grow the same plant from the seed
The problem is, when growers develop a new strain of tomato, they want to protect their intellectual property. So, they only…
Buy a Pelican 1510 and start using it as your carry on.
If they switch to “no laptops on a plane”, you will just be able to check it. It should be absolutely safe in the included sleeve.