A compact is a formal agreement.
A contract is a legally binding agreement.
A compact is a formal agreement.
A contract is a legally binding agreement.
Well, I guess she was just Clueless.
So, I didn’t purchase my Kindle through Amazon. I purchased it from a person named Jerry off of craigslist.
Right, but the way it works is the person with the allergy normally makes the request ahead of time and they oblige. They dont, as a standard habit, keep the airplane in a sterile state.
So, quick question. Find me a copy of the “kindle purchase agreement”. There are several versions of “terms of service” for the Kindle digital service, but I can’t find anything that says I must not remove the ads.
I have a great deal of sympathy for this kid and his family, but your argument is nonsense.
You seem to refer frequently to HOAs. Allow me to address that directly. HOAs do have a great deal of legal authority. You are compelled to do what they say because of your “purchase agreement”.
So, I agreed to a EULA despite the fact that I purchased the product without viewing the EULA? Gotcha.
Telling me that I can’t do whatever the hell I want to a piece of hardware I own violates the general concept of “ownership”.
Fuck YEAH!!!!
We just need to ban those fucking morons who can’t use guns properly. (How do we do that?)
I know that these scams are designed to be kinda bullshitty on purpose. This one seems to straddle the line.
I just want to say, that as a white person who is super tolerant of other races(I have several black friends) that I didn’t react this way and I find your comments a bit rude. Not being racist, but maybe you need to be more polite to white people. If you think about it, white people have done more for civil rights…
Actually, no.
Look, AlphaOmega...shit stinks.
Well, the only way to make the national debt stop growing is if we run a surplus. The Republicans have ACTIVELY REFUSED that idea. In short, the debt can never decrease.
Are there going to be commercials? I imagine there won’t be commercial breaks(this is PBS). So, did CNN just pay money to air something that they won’t even be able to monetize?
Why the hell is this debate on PBS and CNN?
At this point, I don’t think thieves are targeting cars with phone chargers in them. I know that was the case in the past, when charging a phone was more irregular. However, at this point every car has a phone charger in it.
No idea?