
Are we talking about the Buddhism of Siddharta Guatama or the Buddhism of a monarchy in Tibet? Siddharta seemed like a fairly enlightened guy who was advocating for something a little closer to Stoicism than any type of religion.

Thank you for making assumptions about my naivety. I was basing my argument on a lot of cognitive and behavioral research, but I am sure your gut feelings on this topic as someone from “the area” and “an older person” are way more fucking valid. I will just ignore all of the non-biased research and listen to whatever

If 99% of people in Hollywood are “investigated on their backstory”, then wouldn’t you have to be monumentally stupid to tell a story that was this fucking wrong? You would either have to be monumentally stupid OR you would have to be operating under some weird cognitive condition where your mind was pre-conditioned

You lie. You lie about shit that makes you look like a more “awesome” person than reality. Your lies are typically minor tweaks to mostly factual claims. Ergo, your lies are exactly like his lie.

I will try to explain this one more time:

My point was that “sterilizing” was wastful. You aren’t maintaining a sterile environment and all “harmful bacteria” are removed via washing. I compared it to the washing dishes in water because it is a similar myth.

Not exactly. These things become non-sterile almost immediately so what is the point? Preventing airborne and surface bacteria isn’t viable, so you are really just wasting energy.

The only way I will give Ben ANY credit is if they tried to yell “hike”. That is clearly illegal. It doesn’t always get called, but everyone agrees.

Uncle Tom? Uncle Tom was great. That dude is an asshole!

Point of philosophy: You cannot choose your beliefs.

That was an incredibly long-winded way of saying: I know what you are trying to say but I want to argue anyway.


1) I am not arguing that they aren’t really charging a negative interest rate. I am arguing that the negative interest rate exists to discourage borrowing as part of monetary policy.

Fuck, you are a moron. What everyone is trying to tell you isn’t “this time is different”. What everyone is trying to tell you is that if you could travel back in time and buy 1 share of the S&P 500 you would always travel forwards in time to discover more money in the bank. Every collapse and recession has eventually

1) Negative interest rates are not really “negative interest rates”. They are a monetary policy.

Don’t tell you stocks? Why not? Afraid of risk? That makes sense. The stock market tanked in 2008 and everyone lost all their money right? Oh wait, that didn’t happen. Everyone who owned an index fund in 2007 now has more money in 2015.

Government bonds....

I think the argument is that we are spying on China, but China would probably follow the golden rule of “espionage” which is:don’t tell anyone when you discover the enemy! Iran likes to post videos of the US drone they brought down, but that is because their military/spy network is a joke. China is not a joke and

IPA is typically defined by the hop profile and not the abv/sugar content.

The TSA actually had a plan to remove the weapons ban. They saw no practical point to the ban as their job is not to guarantee your personal safety on a plane(their job is to keep planes in the air). They thought enforcing the weapons ban was a distraction and a waste of time/money/energy.