
This is actually really good advice. This is also why most people in real estate don't recommend you replace carpet or floors before selling a house. If my choice is between a house with an old floor that needs an update or one with a new floor I don't like then I am going to buy the house with the old floor. Why? I

I think this is intended for a few isolated situations where you need to cool off a hot area for a short period of time. Off the top of my head, I can think of the following:
1) Central A/C broken, pregnant wife, keep her in a cooler room while you repair A/C
2) Working in a hot area(shed/garage/etc) and need it cooled

I agree with your sentiment. Consider this:

In our lengthy discussion about the media treatment of Mr. Sam, I think we are all missing something important. He is either the least assuming guy in the world or he isn't very quick on the uptake. Even Glazek was a little surprised that Sam hadn't picked up on the fact he was a GAY WRITER FOR A GAY MAGAZINE.

You believe rights are infinite? This is insane.
Here is the basic point. I have a right to practice any religion I want. Imagine I am a Tonkawa native American. Do I have the right to commit cannibalism? I do!
Now, when another group thinks they have a right to never witness cannibalism do they have that right? Maybe!

I have seen the "rose for your girlfriend" in the US.

So, like Louis CK we should just make up some fake explanation for a word and then keep on using the term? While I respect what Louis CK was trying to do(minus the making up a etymology of the word faggot), I think this is different.

Except wrapping a wire nut with tape could be considered a code violation...

Wire nuts are UL-listed devices that are designed and approved for making the connection. Applying UL-listed devices in a way not consistent with the manufacturer instructions would technically cause them to no longer be UL-approved. This

Might I add the "Thinkpad Yoga"?

because this is for apple users, who are used to clicking on TOS blindly.

This is incomplete. There is no option for "was this photo taken by a wild animal"?

I have to agree with your general argument(Listen to experts rather than your friends). However, I think in the financial industry we bestow the term expert on people too easily. Dave Ramsey is a good example of a person who isn't particularly savvy.

Personal Example: I have a friend. He recently told me that the stock

There aren't really any more kidnappings. The number of child kidnappings in the US is LOW. Less than 100 per year. (I am talking about actual child predator kidnappings and NOT family members, organized crime, etc). Of those 100, more than 50% of the children are found within 48 hours alive. [Daniel Gardner's "The

That would make sense.
Also, your comment about the chip not negotiation makes sense. I haven't seen a device that actually limited itself since the old HTC windows mobile devices. The concern is that you could potentially blow a USB port on an old PC. However, current limiting has been a common feature for over a

There is so much wrong with what you typed.

Payday maybe, but unless you collect your check I doubt the influence would be as extreme.

I would be there is another issue.

1. Ice Cream is legally defined. It has to do with the percentages of cream, sugar, etc

Apparently in Japan they make someone swing at the ceremonial first pitch? Why?

Someone did this...