
This isn't all that earth-shattering. These are pretty common requirements for good employees everywhere.

People are calling you a Nazi because implying that there is a genetic predisposition towards math/science skills is fairly heavy in the eugenics camp. As far as I know, and I have to admit I haven't read any research on this recently, math/science 'skills' are firmly in the "nurture" block. People obviously having

'Tabula Rasa' is the suggestion of John Locke. He was more of a philosopher than a child-development expert. John Locke proposed that all people were the product of their training. Blank slates that could be molded in a deterministic way. This is the origin of the "nurture" in nature vs nurture.(He also was a

"We assume the blank slate".
Oh, I am sorry John Locke. I didn't realize your were still relevant in child development circles. 'Tabula rasa' is no longer the dominant hypothesis of child development.

Your entire comment illustrates that you possibly took a child development class in college and then use your poor

That sounds nice. Do you have any studies to back up your viewpoint or is it just some crazy idea you developed internally before deciding to spew it ignorantly on the world?

First, the article is from an entire book. If you liked Ariely, then you should read "NurtureShock". It actually goes into a great deal of detail concerning these ideas.

I think we may seem some significant improvement with this engine.

Just one question Bryan.

I understand your point that MOST gun owners are not violent. Great.
I also agree that gun control would probably have little impact on the level of violence.

I've been to Oklahoma. $10/hr isn't a "good wage" in Oklahoma. It is still substandard. There are people who live on $10/hour, but they don't consider that a decent wage.

I seriously doubt it. "Subject to change" clauses exist in all kinds of contracts. If it makes you feel better, you can explain that any changes will require notification and explanation.

This is typical authoritative parenting. It is probably the most effective form of parenting. "Because I say so" must be used sometimes. You also have to "negotiate with terrorists" sometimes and make some kind of bargain with your kid to get them to stop screaming in public.

Yeah, prepare to pull all of the children out of daycare in 5, 4, 3, 2,......

Finally, if someone says something that is BATSHIT FUCKING CRAZY, they are probably lying. Just an FYI

Only your assumptions

Wait, because you think science is true you must not be a Christian? Not following that one. Am I right or wrong? My point is mainly that the moral leanings of Christians has popularized anti-trafficking as anti-prostitution. Not saying that you are actively engaged in this, just that your community at large makes

My problem, drunkenly stated last night, is that idiots like you keep conflating "prostitution" with "trafficking". This is mostly due to you having some moral issue with prostitution.

So...the girls at Bunny Ranch are all involved in human trafficking?

I am sorry, but since when does "Prostitution" = "Human Trafficking"?

Most people are unfamiliar with any waves besides sound. My analogy is for people who think that microwaves give you cancer.