Hmmm...W-2 doesn't indicate credit worthiness, it simply implies how much money you make. Someone who is very poor might be very likely to repay a loan. Someone who is very wealthy might be very unlikely to repay a loan.
Hmmm...W-2 doesn't indicate credit worthiness, it simply implies how much money you make. Someone who is very poor might be very likely to repay a loan. Someone who is very wealthy might be very unlikely to repay a loan.
Feel free to figure out a better way to judge your credit worthiness.
I appreciate your reply, but it seems indicative of several discussions on this topic I have had with Ramsey-fanatics and their ilk. While there is nothing wrong with your argument, it conflates two things which are, at their core, unrelated. What you spending money on and how you treat your debt/investment. While…
A caveat, my comment was based on numbers which may not be realistically achievable at the current time.
Pretty easy to prove. Anything under 40% alcohol won't "light". This is why you cannot set a beer or wine on fire. It gets a bit tricky, but the sweet spot is between about 40-50% depending on what is mixed with the alcohol.
Hypothetical: Car costs $10,000. Purchased at 1.9% interest rate loan over 4 years.
They own the Florida Marlins? Cool! I own the Brookyln Dodgers and the New Jersey Nets. I also own the Seattle Supersonics. It is really easy to own teams that don't exist anymore.
This might be why it would be better to read rather than Politifact.
Just to be clear, gold was only valuable as an "ancient currency" because it was really good for making jewelry. It is malleable, melts easily, and doesn't tarnish. It is also fairly rare.
Some people enjoy modern art and some people think it is a travesty. Just consider Seth MacFarlane the "Jackson Pollock" of comedy.
Jews running hollywood-he was repeating an oft-used statement to ridicule it.
Running an emulator isn't "light hacking". The case is pretty clear.
Why even use shampoo? Just shave your head every week and wash with soap throughout the week.
As someone from a tourist area, I think the article is more directed towards avoiding the most egregious "touristy" mistakes.
I don't know that it is "unions" as a cause. The problem is a lack of adaptability. Unions definitely contribute to this problem. However, it isn't the fact that the employees are unionized that causes these kinds of issues. It is much more complex than that, and the union wages are being used as a scapegoat.
I think this can be forgiven. They need to convey "cool technology" quickly. This is also why all of their cars are sleek and expensive looking. It doesn't make it go any faster, but they need to convey the concept with just video/audio. So, the car is loud and flashy.
In fairness, she was a world-class track star before taking it up. She is essentially sprinting in this sport as well. It would be a little different if she was just a rando-athlete(like an NFL star) who took it up, but if you suddenly decided to go from gymnastics to men's skijump I think it would be similar.
Technically, everything is cheating. It all just depends on where you place the baseline. Being well-fed and drinking lots of water is cheating. You can't start regulating everything that is "performance enhancing" simply because it enhances performance. The point of the rule was supposed to be to prevent athletes…
I have never understood the attitude against doping. Why would we ban PEDs if they are safe and useful? As the article points out, we do allow some medications. The decisions seem arbitrary.