
Can we please replace Ryan Gosling from the The Notebook with 2000 Chris Pratt? Ooh! Or let's replace Jason Statham from The Transporter with 2000 Chris Pratt. 2000 Chris Pratt for Russell Crowe in Gladiator! 2000 Chris Pratt for Haley Joel Osment in The Sixth Sense! 2000 Chris Pratt for president! Three cheers for

Yes, that was particularly hard to hear. You gave us SO MUCH, man. Why couldn't we give you something back to help you heal this pain? But that's not how it works. You can't make people struggling with those issues "happy." That's the frustrating, heartbreaking part.

When M'lady walks in with an itty bitty waist, and a bustle in your face...

You better have skinny legs and a skinny waist to go with that big ass though, or else GTFO, right?

"Even in fashion, that daring creative space where nothing is ever off limits" Ha ha ha. That couldn't be LESS true.

Honest question — why does anyone read or subscribe to Vogue, other than while waiting for a medical professional? It's this five-pound brick of once-happy trees that stinks up your house and is full of insipid corporate cheerleading and images that make you feel bad about yourself.

It bugs the shit out of my husband too. And yup, same damn deodorant. Why won't he just get over it and let me bury my face in his pits? :(

Missouri firearms regulations, on the other hand :

I got the floods. Similar?

Why hello there :) (Born in England, speaks like a BBC newscaster)

that's hella weird to me, since i find german accents mostly a not-turn-on.

There's an engineer in my office who I find EXTREMELY attractive, on a really primal level, and all sorts of things about him, which I normally wouldn't find appealing, make me want to drag him into a conference room and screw him on top of a table. He's slightly pigeon-toed, which I find adorable. I like how I can

women's orgasms can last 15 seconds or more (much more, if she's lucky and he's adept).

Yep, I'm a one and done too.

Truth. Let's focus back up there where we learn that women only orgasm 30% of the time. Perhaps we need to fix that before we try to converge orgasms.

I ated mine =(