
So you'd prefer an echo chamber where no one commiserates or learns from each other's experiences? Get a tumblr.

oh snap. I can totally see that.

First name: Crystal.

There's a lesson in here for everyone.

bless you for this.

I want to live in this thread forever and happily ever after.

I hope the Doritos crumbs are Flaming Asshole flavor and they get in their genital and facial mucous membranes and burn like the dickens.

Excellent points. The Wikipedia entry notes that the valley was managed by Native Americans with brush fires to prevent forest encroachment for millennia before whitey stepped into it. It wasn't all-natural then either. But it served its purpose to the population that controlled it. I'm all for conservation efforts

Just ordered 2 today, one for my bestie's bday and one for me! The shorties, tho. Don't need to be tripping down my stairs after the box wine starts flowing.

You know that made the poor schmo running the CG's whole year.

whoa daddy issues. LMP, not you.

absinthe, like the green wildfire mad King Aerys stocked up on.

In the inevitable Lifetime drama? Not likely.

A man would enjoy brisk exercise after consuming a homemade casserole. Yes.

Same phenomenon: the Salem witch trials.

The leader/follower dynamic is also by far the most common in pair/group criminal acts.

Not just a longer sentence, but also MASSIVE amounts of therapy. If we can't rehabilitate 12 year olds, we might as well just declare the justice system solely punitive and give up on convicts ever becoming productive, accepted members of society. The prison industrial complex will be pleased.

All great, worthy ideas, and all much more likely to be supported than even the weakest and most timid attempts at gun control. Until we can come to grips with our insane gun culture, no real change will occur.

oooh, hadn't considered using my prime membership for snacks, great tip!

I LOVE THOSE!!! Damn I need to get to the Asian supermarket.