
What, after all, is this age group meant to be pleased with? This age group overwhelmingly wanted Bernie Sanders’ much more ambitious, much more radical platform, and has instead been forced to watch Biden renege on even his very mildest campaign promises, like canceling student loan debt and decriminalizing

All the stars.

You could take position that those things don’t really matter, no like [insert your pet issue here], but that’s just moving the goalposts. Bottom line: saying Joe Bide has done “nothing” he said he would is inaccurate on its face; it is a lie.

Have to say it: there are 18-34 year olds that aren’t neatly in the progressive camp. Some are pretty damn centrist if not flagrantly right wing but smart enough to keep their traps shut. Many are NIMBY as hell and are part of the type of ‘progress’ that neuters their non-white, non-binary counterparts. Some don’t

FFS people, ZERO% of anyone reading this has paid a penny in student loans since he was sworn in. Our reputation is repaired globally as we help Ukraine defend democracy vs. caving to Putin’s whims to rebuild the Soviet Union, and we’re about to have first African American woman on the highest court in the land.

Is it possible his approval rating is tanking because people don’t understand how our government works so they buy into promises a Presidential candidate makes but actually has no power to deliver on because the role of the president is to appoint a cabinet and sign laws passed by congress?

It’s all about appeasing white people, who just cannot be inconvenienced for the greater good of all ever. They followed their master trump a long time ago when they found out initially COVID-19 was killing POC more often than them. Bitching that they couldn’t get their hair dyed, go to the gym or to a restaurant, and

Lol no I was talking about rich people, the political party doesn’t matter in the least. Come on, has the pandemic not made it painfully obvious that the rich are the bad guys here?

Thank you, Murjani, for saying some real shit that people need to read, and will not see in most news outlets.

In fairness, they polled “registered voters” and Georgia has been engaging in purges and denied applications.

Even outside of the Deep South I still view federal civil rights cases as a good secondary check of DAs who are subject to the forces of local politics and who need to maintain functional relationships with the local police force.

Did someone finally get around to explaining to Ms. Shepherd that this planet isn’t flat? Also, the woman’s name was spelled two different ways in the same piece. 

Lemme spitball here.

You know they’re free to us because governments are paying the pharma companies right?

IRRC the 6 month immunity waning was in the context of Delta. Prior to that the early results were pointing at immunity lasting much longer than expected. As in against the original pandemic strain used to develop the vaccine, immunity persisted much longer than expected. But against new strains the time line was

Neat. But at least the potato salad looks like it has seasoning and no raisins.

It doesn’t. And from what I understand we’re seeing so many variants pop up mostly because there’s so many infections. Cause global pandemic and all.

So why isn’t race a qualifying factor?

This isn’t happening in a vacuum, a Politico/Morning Consult Poll [1] released on Feb. 9th, 2022, shows that activists need to do a lot of public opinion work if defunding is to be adopted as a reform effort.