
This drunk bitch.

Alcohol is the greatest truth serum ever invented. It loosens the mouth and brains to say the quiet things out loud. Make no mistake: it doesn’t change anyone, it only enhances what they are. The results are revelatory 

What the actual fuck, Karen; you ain’t got no game, nor a chance in hell.

So if this was a black couple CPS would’ve been on the phone and have taken their kids right? I mean we know this right? Also why are white people so willing to show how damn nasty they are? Good lord

So I’m Central American, Salvadoran specifically, and we are a daily shower people. Some, like my uncles that work construction are two shower people one before work, one after. I got the bucket bath (so I wouldn’t waste water) with a rough wash cloth as a little kid, by grandma, on the daily too.

Ashton said he works out. He splashes his face after a workout and then just goes about his day. Does he not sweat? I sweat WAY too much for that. I regularly hang up my sweaty workout clothes to dry before I put them in the hamper because I’m afraid they’ll mildew.

I definitely can’t sleep unless I’ve had a shower before bed. I can’t imagine all that funk just being absorbed by my sheets and pillows. I also shower in the morning because I want to feel and smell fresh when I go into the office. There are many days where I take three showers, like if I’m doing something strenuous

It’s simple: white people don’t think they smell bad.

What like I’m made of wash cloths/loofahs/sponges around here or something?

7. What constitutes dirty enough to take a shower?

Because they are attention whores seeking the approval of the great unwashed that yes, they are in the right and not alone. Same reason we have proud racists being out and about racist, because Trump made it ‘cool’ to be out and about racist. Well that and the grift. Never forget the grift.

“Wash clothes, loofas, sponges”

First of all,reasonable” is in the eye of the beholder.


Not that it’s on topic, but... you think paying a high ass cover charge and buying water-down over-priced drinks entitles you to some ass?


That’s the double-sided edge to racism - it makes White people mentally lazy and emotionally complacent, because they become used to unearned privilege and the rules being bent or broken on their behalf. They spend so much time immersed in their personal mythos of “greatness, that their self-awareness  gets atrophied,

I have interviewed and interrogated many white people in my career. I have been witness to some of the most creative justifications for their actions. So creative that I want to send these ideas to Hollywood. Children do this all the time. As we come of age, we grow out of it, becoming adults and taking responsibility

What I find interesting is that these folks will accept the idea that “antifa” (which btw who is in support of fascism that they would hold aggression towards ANTI- fascists??) or “disguised BLM supporters” were at the Capitol to disrupt the election that they actually voted for (go figure) to make the MAGA idiots

kudos to her, continued blessings.

What’s with the comment about how expensive her wedding looked???