
She literally said Taylor only got the job because she’s Black.

And if you DARE say otherwise, then you will be guilty of committing CriticalRaceTheory which, as we know, is a ThoughtCrime punishable by death. 

Not only did they deny the OBVIOUS racial bias here, but they COMPOUNDED that racial bias by claiming that racial bias wasn’t, in fact, the cause of this and that the librarian had “good intentions”.

Her “apology” was for “disappointing” Taylor, not for questioning her talent, which should have been the REAL apology. Basically, “I’m sorry I made you sad by questioning your talent. But... anyway, I’m done.”

Mariah Rose snatched Nichols’ wig so hard Diane Sawyer felt it.

This is White Liberal Racism (I’m just assuming Nichols is a liberal but it doesn’t really matter). It’s generally not in-your-face bigotry. But it is white people assuming the black candidate gets the job because of diversity and not because they’re the best choice. 

Mariah Rose had it in one. 

She’s only sorry she got caught.

employees had good intentions when performing the haircut

“intentions” don’t have any-fucking-thing to do with whether something is racist or not, and so long as white people get to define racism by what they feel is in their heart, we will never make real headway for equality

Some smarter-than-me writer over on Deadspin used this in regards to the NFL recently. “Organization investigates itself, surprisingly find that it did nothing wrong”

Even if it had been a white teacher cutting a white child’s hair it would have been wrong.

Really? You don’t think that showing blatant disrespect for a child’s personhood isn’t a fireable offense when you’re in the business of working with children?

Good intentions? How the entire fuck is someone’s unauthorized touching of someone’s child to fuck up their hair “good intentions?”

It is not the end of the story for the child who suffers that trauma for who knows how long. The end of the story comes when schools value and protect ALL children.

Yep. I wonder if there has ever (EVER) been an instance where a white child’s hair was cut. Probably never. Yet it seems to happen too often to children of color. And the school is trying to say that it’s not based on race.

the school’s librarian had taken it upon herself to “even out” the girl’s asymmetrical curly hairstyle...

Not liking a 7 year old’s haircut is not license to cut their fucking hair, what the fuck.  The racial bias is a society that makes this somehow seem reasonable EVEN FOR A FUCKING SECOND to this librarian, instead of realizing that it’s not her hair, so it’s not her fucking place.  Different people can have different

That is assault on a Child, sue the shit out of them.

I was born and raised in Texas, and Texas History has always been taught in the same awed tones that religious truths are taught in church. I learned all about the Native American tribal conflicts in West Texas, but when I asked about those in North Texas (what most would call the North-East part of the state), I was