
Though my memory is isolation-unreliable, I remember that old, fat, diabetes-ravaged racist in total disbelief because her savior had cut Meals On Wheels. Oh, how I WISH a really good journalist would follow up with her! Someone who’ll appear sympathetic to get her talking but with the ovaries to get her to say

They all slap themselves on the back and say only dumb people would get screwed like this, and then claim they ain’t no dummies while keeping very quiet about being duped themselves because cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

The best con artists know this well. They set up their scams so the mark ends up begging to be conned again and again, convinced their fleecing was just “bad luck” or a “mistake,” or the “cops” turning up at the wrong time.

This is what makes Trumpism work. This is the dark heart of our political moment. Even people who are tremendously vulnerable themselves, like Crystal Minton, support Trump because of his capacity to inflict pain on others they detest. The cruelty, as the Atlantic’s Adam Serwer says, is the point. [emphasis added] [htt

Yup. I don’t want anyone to talk to me about pitying Trump voters or reaching across to work with the GOP. They aren’t just dumb anymore, they are willing to cast the entire country down all in the name of maintaining power and a steadfast willingness to blow their foot off if it means that PoC will suffer more.

It is CRAZY how much these Trump supporters are getting duped, grifted, and fucked over by their own team, and even after having to go through their banks to get their money back, are still on team Trump.

Raffensberger also supported this law while at the same time saying there was no voter fraud in 2020.   So send some fucks his way for his blatant hypocrisy. 

Not denying the racism, but mental healthcare in this country, especially inpatient mental healthcare, is abysmal.

He knew what he was signing, which was why he signed it under a plantation painting.

This is why part of the law specifically takes away the GA Secretary of State’s power to monitor and control elections. 

It appears that there are jurisdictions where it is not the police, but the arrestee (and whatever medical insurance they may have) that is on the hook for medical expenses prior to booking.

I’m gonna bet the issue was “He failed to follow commands” which is based on their absolute need to control. Rather than seeing what any reasonable person could, that he was having mental health issues, police mindset sees ‘Negro who must be made compliant’ and beats him until he is so.

Brian Kemp hates Georgia more than William Tecumseh Sherman.

Kemp would burn his state to the ground to prevent black people from voting.

This isn’t “cancel culture,” this is fucking Capitalism. Eat it and like it, Kemp.

Kemp needs to remember that his and the GOP’s nightmare is his own damned fault. She’s coming for his seat at some point, but for now, she’s got plenty of time to adapt to his Jim Crow 2.0 bullshit.

Does the Georgie GOP want the feds in their business? Because this is how you get the feds in your business.

I read Kemp’s “aw, shucks, this is really a good bill, y’all” defense. Nah, fuck him, and fuck the GOP.

My exact thought. I hope he realizes how narrowly he escaped death that day.

I am so sure that a bunch of white churches are going to march over this.