
I wish filmmakers would move on from what’s turned into too much Black trauma. Our lives are full of enough of it. Now, there’s horror (and ugly scenarios, real and imagined) to be found in everything. So far this year, I’ve watched Them, The Underground Railroad, Small Axe, and more. I’m changing to comedy from now on

Still better than the brothers in other states who they know are innocent but are keeping them in jail (or trying to put them back in).

I’m just hoping this doesn’t end up like a sequel called “The Omega People.”

Delaware has large Black communities in Wilmington, New Castle, and multiple other towns ( I see my cousins (born and raised there) all the time. Also met a lot of native Delawareans at work while commuting there from NJ and PA.

Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel

I still think she really got mad ‘cause she wants a flag of her own...with a slight change to the spelling. I bet my parents were not the only ones to do a double-take when Winnie the Pooh specials came on TV - until they saw that character’s name in print.

I wouldn’t mind getting paid to conduct studies like this. Would probably be the easiest money made in my life!

I get the feeling she was watching some right-wing anti-Kamala Harris stuff before heading to the restaurant. After a few drinks, she changed it from fear of one powerful Black woman into fearing all of them. That’s why she mentioned messing up the country. Those conspiracy theorists have been sowing fear of a Harris

Right? I’ve never heard of a very cheap-looking Vera Wang gown, and the tone of this article tells me all I need to know about the writer.

No love for The Boondocks? smh

Equally awful is the well-worn plot device that led her to Harvard in the first place. I’m tired of seeing “girl follows boy to school of his choice,” or “girl adopts whatever interests boy has,” or “girl learns skills boy knows.” All of this effort is put into gaining or reclaiming the affection of another character,

The more these shows are promoted, it makes nostalgia for the times when these originally aired seem overrated. It’s like the same old cable cycle, but now they’re dipping deeper into the well. New services or channels for content are launched, and it doesn’t take very long before they’re full of “classics” everybody

This is just another reminder about actors and acting. Just like all those celebs who keep working with Woody Allen, what we see on the big screen is them acting like decent people. That’s because they’re following a script written by a professional. Those comments they post online and the self-serving crap they say

Now playing

Oh, the wailing and the flood of tears we would get if they were denied entrance to anything solely occupied/owned by brown people! The whole point of the system they created is to make sure they’re the ones dishing it out, not taking it. They immediately make themselves the victim if anything doesn’t go their way or

most people haven’t learned the requisite grade of spider identification skills,

Nobody has to go as far back as Sanford & Son, Good Times, or The Jeffersons to find working class comedies that might compare to this. It’s like Roc, Soul Food (the TV show), and 227 never existed. I’d be willing to bet all the folks in that video have seen ‘em.

Yup. Time for me to re-read Ijeoma Oluo’s book, Mediocre:

Also, she had an agreement/account. All of those direct deposit agreements have clauses saying the financial organization can deposit AND WITHDRAW AT WILL to correct mistakes. I’ve seen people’s bank accounts get messed up because of employers making mistakes with the payroll. If they overdraw your account, it takes a

I will get my appointment as soon as my state opens up to all adults next week. There have been too many deaths and people with long-term health problems from catching COVID. Among my family and friends, we’ve lost eight people (front line workers and people who attended funerals or allowed visitors in their house) sin

Anywhere we lived by the water, near resources they wanted, etc., they found a reason to take it: