
I wouldn’t be surprised to see Lori Loughlin get a worse sentence. She took too long to figure out these charges were serious. They’ll probably make an example out of her just for making more work for the court system.

The fact that a lot of white people let their buddies slide is a big part of what allows racism to continue.

I’m gonna keep this part and use it as script for the willfully ignorant Mayosapiens who cross my path, because their need for everything and everyone to revolve around them is exhausting:

the useless Dems that still don’t even support impeachment even with all of the evidence staring them in their faces.

But when you’re lying about the weather you’re already a few clicks into Nineteen Eighty-Four and you should be super worried.

There’s also this study about serial perpetrators at college when alcohol is involved that makes the “danger to the community” case more likely:

Bless you for saying “since.”  If I hear “Being that...” one more time, I’ll snap.

They paved our street first with a mix of gravel and asphalt. Using skates with metal wheels made it feel like both feet fell asleep and wouldn’t wake all the way up. They redid it a couple of years later, and it was smooth as glass.

Problem is, the ones who see the handwriting on the wall want to take a lot of brown people out before they go. That’s the real reason behind all of 45's anti-immigrant BS.

Lemme’s economic insecurity.

Now playing

I’m thinking it’s more like Tasmanian Devil than Fat Man and Little Boy on the inside of that corn-dog’s head.

We each got the seven-course chef’s menu

Did you clue him in?

First date with guy I met online, we met up at a chain Italian restaurant. He ordered something with steak. I can’t remember who brought up families while we started chatting over our pasta. However, as he started talking about his mother he picked up the steak knife and started stabbing everything on his plate.

Falling for the character they played is straight-up Rita Hayworth’s “Gilda” syndrome, though. I hope Hamilton had better luck with other relationships than Hayworth did.

Couldn’t find the video, but this always reminds me of Gilda Radner on SNL playing Roseanne Roseannadanna. She told a story about meeting Gloria Vanderbilt in a restroom. Gloria felt itchy and was stuck in her too-tight jeans, so Roseanne and a friend help her peel them off. It reminded her of a little poem that went

How do we come for the money? By finding out where it’s coming from and making the source uncomfortable.

In PA, the most well known is the Johnstown Flood. As a non-native of the state, I learned about it because of the tax associated with it:

Given the history of Quebec and the attitude displayed by English-speaking citizens of Canada, I figured they were trying to make a point with that name.

Just clarifying...I said separate area but meant designated seats (like the ones found on trains, buses, etc.).