
This isn’t even a question. Because odds are you get a super fly turtle neck or windbreaker in return for a soda, or if the gods truly bless you, a scarf. Fashion, is the ultimate endgame in the division. Sooner you all realize this at kotaku. The better.

It’s a giant Flip flop!!!

This is the worst.

If i can get L4D2 and RDR on XBONE my life will be complete.

Clearly he didn’t read the warning...

Highlander... and Mortal Kombat?

I beat this challenge on my first try, ON PC! Get on my level, scrubs!

I love how he put F&F stickers all over it.

Yeah this episode was depressing as hell. I refused to watch it again for a long time out of embarrassment for the U.S.

This you don’t do:

For all those who (somehow) might not be convinced that Elba should be the next Bond:

PC will push the limit even further.

Oom-pa loom-pa doompadee-doo

They already made fun of it when they made it into a movie

This made me cry more than Beaches. (Shut up, I got some for watching it.) least you have chicken?

I'd buy the fuck out of this.

Next gen

Why does everyone always feel for the truckers.