I may be in the minority, but I’ve invested maybe 1 or 2 skill points into cars, despite being around level 100. I’ve played every Horizon, but this new feature in the series just didn’t really do anything for me.
I may be in the minority, but I’ve invested maybe 1 or 2 skill points into cars, despite being around level 100. I’ve played every Horizon, but this new feature in the series just didn’t really do anything for me.
This is what we get when we play God.
It’s like the designers looked at the latest Jeep Cherokee and decided they wanted in.
Did the .gif not load on your screen, or something? Because that thing is real weird and super suggestive all by itself, without anyone being horny.
You’ve never actually seen a hot-rod, have you?
Thank god. It’s bad enough having 4.0 I6 jeeps tailgate me and drive aggressively. I don’t need Fred Durst lookalikes roaming around in 700hp mall-crawlers with 6 inch lifts ok, I can’t just watch someone crash and not stop to help. Don’t make me help Fred Durst or people who look like him
I’m not really a fan of the color theme (maybe use a bit more red?). Otherwise I love this. I’m a XCOM sucker who loves horror games. This is right up my ally.
I bought a gun *skin* that turned my stuff tie-dye. As far as I know, you can’t just buy weapons with microtransactions in this game. I looted the gun from a chest and unlocked the perks for the scope because I’m a GAMER yo. But go off or whatever if it makes you feel better.
Haggled a dealer on a used car?! I didn’t think that was a thing any more. https://jalopnik.com/why-wont-dealers-negotiate-on-pre-owned-cars-1830174631
What compromising photographs did you have in your back pocket?
Yes, exactly! I’m so sick of these “Dad Mode” posts for “Mature” games. There’s a reason they’re rated that way, and it’s because kids shouldn’t be watching you play them. I get that it can be hard to find time to play video games and parent, but I don’t feel this is an appropriate compromise. Why not play a game the…
Had a good experience using letsBLD.com (I believe Fahey wrote an article about the site). Mind you this was a couple a years ago. But the below build was shipped to me with a final cost of about 1,200.$ Which included shipping and other Misc fees. All and all I am still very happy with this rig. I plan to add more…
Had a good experience using letsBLD.com (I believe Fahey wrote an article about the site). Mind you this was a…
Or, alternatively, you could just delete them all and not play a game for 11 year olds!
I think it would be interesting (and definitely funny) for you to take a month or so and only play online shooters
banning 4 people? there goes half the playerbase.
An excess of tax revenue for schools and infrastructure.
I have no idea if it left any mark on RDR2 (stupid console exclusives- give me a PC port!), but no conversation about Westerns is complete without A Bad Day at Black Rock. It’s not a pure Western- it’s set in the 1950s, and brings noir elements into the story. But the bones are Western- a stranger rolls into town, and…
To the man’s house who does...