
You do have to spell it out though. If you hire someone to work on your  house, you need to explicitly put in the contract you sign with them what circumstances can lead to you firing them, otherwise they can and will sue you for breach of contract if you just come in one day and go “nope, not paying you anymore, you

I believe this is what Kara would call a sick burn.

According to both prosecutors and defense counsellors, he has a long history of fairly adjudicating cases. He also has a history of deferring to the sentences recommended by the probation officers, which was too low in this case.

Well, you’re lucky you don’t have to live with this kind of situation in your own life so you can remain ignorant of the kinds of places you send kids with severe disabilities *to*. Let me tell you, it is an emotional, bureaucratic, financial nightmare.

There is no reason to respond to that person with such condescension and dismissiveness. You made a claim that you know parents of kids with special needs and they all kept their kids at home. Diagonalstarfish laid out an example of a situation s/he has firsthand experience with (unlike you) of why that isn’t always

Thank you. It’s the internet - what can you do?

Wow, I can’t believe the rude response you got. That you apologized so sincerely is impressive. For the record, I didn’t think you were making it about yourself AT ALL, and I thought your personal experience/call for compassion balanced an otherwise judgmental (not to mention uninformed) conversation.

That’s totally fair. Again, I don’t know what’s going on with this particular child or how he should be categorized. But in the subsequent conversation, people started mentioning ASD (which of course runs a huge gamut, as “spectrum” implies) and there were broad statements about “sending kids away” and parents keeping

Not a comment on the Gosselin story (because I didn’t read it and don’t care that much), but as someone whose parents made the incredibly wrenching decision to place my severely developmentally disabled sibling in a group home/assisted living for the survival of their marriage, their emotional and mental health, and

It’s actually a component of the legal balancing test courts use when deciding whether to let parties proceed under a pseudonym. The court looks at whether the party trying to proceed pseudonymously is drawing media attention the case - the court frowns upon parties using a veil of anonymity to mudsling at the other

Well no. They are asking the court to only grant in part her request- it is up to the court. The school has to follow whatever the court says. They aren’t blackmailing her, they’re responding to her court filing, in which she is requesting something that she doesn’t have a right to (not saying it shouldn’t be granted,

This is actually a very interesting filing. The issue of anonymity at trial means in the actual court proceedings and the argument is about how this may be interpreted by the jury (i.e. whether it might be prejudicial to the defendants). The school cites a couple cases allowing anonymity in filings, but not when in

Fair. As I was backing out of the driveway to go to college my grandma waved for me to roll down the window and gave me some great advice, “Turn in your work on time. Have fun. Call your mama. And just for this first year, keep your snapper to yourself, if you know what I mean.”

When you sit in a court of law day in and day out, it’s easy to forget that your litigants are human beings with lives outside of the justice system. Good on Judge Wolf for not forgetting and for not being afraid to sometimes let common sense prevail over the black letter law. She is a credit to the bar.

Let me preempt my comment by saying I love Samantha Bee’s show, and I also find the folks who supported Sanders but are now voting Trump exasperatingly stupid as well, and I am by no means a bernie-bro (although I did vote for him in the primaries).

I feel weird for liking Hillary Clinton. I knows it's an unpopular position. She reminds me of my mom in a good way.

Just. Vote. Clinton.

Flawleth? I don’t think tho! ;)

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! OMG, if you actually think that Donald Trump would mean fewer casualties of war (either through Trump’s actions or his refusal to act in defense of our allies), than Hillary Clinton, who spent years of her life working as the Secretary of State, then congratulations! You live in dream world! I hope

To be clear I do not own the cookbook. I’m just still annoyed having seen it at my father-in-law’s house about 4 years ago.