
As a public university UVA is required by the Constitution to provide its students accused of offenses with due process. Complainants are not entitled to due process under the law (since their Constitutional rights are not at stake), although the DOE has interpreted Title IX to impose certain requirements about how

I’m pretty sure he was found guilty on all 3 misdemeanor sexual assault charges, not one. As well as the using a computer to entice and endangerment of a child.

Yes, which is why they convicted him of the statutory rape charges - they didn’t believe him that there was no sex. But they didn’t believe beyond a reasonable doubt that she didn’t consent, so they didn’t convict him of forcible rape.

Just to be clear, STATUTORY rape where the parties are less than 4 years apart in age is what is a misdemeanor. That means consensual sex between a 15 year old and 18 year old is a misdemeanor, and is what the jury found he committed. Not saying whether that was the right/wrong finding based on the evidence, but

They did convict on statutory.

My parents always called it the P.O.D. (parent on duty), which I find myself using now that I am a parent.

And also those amazing 3 year old tantrums . . . But I have gotten some wonderful gems from my newly 4-year-old, such as “Mom, what’s the opposite of air? Dinosaurs.”

He/she should meet my 4 year old. What is it with describing public bathrooms and the hand dryer fascination?

Just to add to what others have said, while they can’t use it to prove basically that because she’s slept with other people she couldn’t have been raped, it’s relevant to the damages she claims and also it sounds like she said she was a virgin before this, and if they want to impeach her credibility and show she lied

And the Coke was supposed to . . . counteract the benefits of the mushroom powder?

I am in Boston and desperately want to know which preschool does this. So I can judge and laugh (and then go pick up my kids from their own fancy preschool/daycare).

The daycares do it, not us parents! We started out calling my kids’ daycare “daycare” but they call themselves school and it just seeps into your brain until you don’t even realize it’s weird . . . I read this article and didn’t even notice. And then I pictured going to my 13 month old’s class and telling his teachers

Are you saying these people had Otto cater their wedding? Pretty sure that’s my toddler’s dream wedding right there. Especially if they provided their plastic animal kiddie cups.

I feel like in my yuppie (white) liberal circles a LOT of people have been naming their kids Atticus in the last few years.

Yikes, I would go to a more up to date doctor. I had my first Mirena pre-kids, and am now on my third after having two kids. Insertion hurt like a bitch, but it hurt each time after kids too. when I lived in South America in the early 2000s tons of high school girls had them and it was something I had never

Yes, well racial bias in the media is a whole separate topic that I’m sure has many of its own discussion threads on Jezebel.

Sure, but as a criminal defense attorney I can tell you if the press forgets to write “allegedly” in discussing my client I'm sure as hell going to use that to argue bias in the jury pool later. And make the paper correct its articles. So it's easier for the press to just use accurate language from the start.

It is customary and protects the news source from a defamation lawsuit. Innocent until proven guilt and whatnot.

They don't hyphenate all 4 names, they pick one or two to give the kids! Have you really never met a person with a hyphenated last name with kids?

The cake SAYS dolphin on it! Shouldn't be that hard to interpret ...