Skip Bayless: The Talking Head America Deserves
Skip Bayless: The Talking Head America Deserves
Ultimately this is an honest anthem for the New York she knows, and that's the problem. Sinatra wrote lovesong *to* New York from the outside; Billy Joel wrote an ode to New York as the fancy house next door, a celebration of everything he could see out his window in broad strokes growing up; Jay-Z and Alicia Keys…
I was there too and that wave was *mineallmine.* Bless that woman and trail she blazes.
WHOOPS: The exposed side wall of my fridge is cool, always has been. (Not has-a-leak cool, just cool-metal-temperature cool.) I see now that this may not be true of all fridges.
I still say blasphemy! What good is preserving a tomato if you're just going to subject it to the unavoidably mealy texture it gets in the fridge?
I started this account as a burner too, but the fact that this would limit well-meaning burner accounts is unfortunate but strikes me as *totally* minor relative to the other concerns at hand — protecting the staff and protecting those people looking to provide tips to Gawker safely and anonymously. This is the right…
+1 Yeah, we can all go home now. This is it.
How about something even simpler? How about: It is ok (I would say GOOD! But we can be diplomatic and go with "OK") for a father to want to be with his wife and newborn, and to choose being with them over three days at work. He can and should be there to help his wife recover, but he can and should also simply want…
Ugh, fuck this song. Fuck it forever. I hate this song so much I can't even enjoy puppies when it's on. Thanks, Passenger, for ruining my day and puppies.
Yes, there is.
"New York City residents, if you get hugged by an unhinged nondescript brunette while walking home from work today, that's me."
I've actually thought this for a really long time — that Glenn Beck is a performance artist here to teach people an important lesson NOT about tyranny or freedom or George Soros or Communism or denim, but about trolling.
I'm sorry you're being shouted down like you're trying to do harm, when it's pretty plainly clear that you genuinely don't get it, at least not yet. There was a point in my life (early in college, natch) when I tried to truck with the worst kinds of bros, and when I was still an apologist for this kind of behavior. …
On the sidelines and third down, Eli tends to look like a little boy who just peed himself, and he wants to tell an adult but he's too nervous so he just stands there and pees himself again.
My first AirBnB experience was great, but the second was a DISASTER, and I was super impressed by how AirBnB handled the claim. (Long story short: The apt owner said they were moving out so there would be minimal furniture, which was fine with me. But what I arrived to was a filthy apartment, freshly emptied of…
Even if you do pay publishing (which, if you do, why ask for a royalty-free license?), Earbits is running an ad-free platform whose success is based on building a large user base and a large library of content. So any artist should plan for the likelihood that they're angling to be bought by a larger tech company, and…
DO you pay royalties though? Your Artist Terms & Conditions also refer to a royalty-free license. don't, right?