Professor Slowmobile

Choice. I'll take mine in Champagne Gold with matte black SS stripes. Think I'd go for a matching cap, too.

Good call on the 964. With the exception of the 993 GT2s and Turbos, I haven't cared much for the water-cooled 911s. They look like air-cooled 911s with all the personality shaved off.

I never said I wouldn't spend a weekend beating the everloving shit out of someone else's Continental if given the opportunty (it didn't even come up until you mentioned it just now), I just said it's a total poseur car and anyone that owns one is, by definition, an asshat. And to answer your unasked follow-up

Now playing

Considering the Continental starts off as a grand tourer with a curb weight of about 5,100 lbs, it's not meant to carve canyons or do anything at tracks but sit in the parking lot. The factory GT Supersports sheds about 200 lbs and adds both power and serious modifications to the suspension, chassis and AWD system,

Looks (which are indeed sweet) and engine output (which is gratuitous enough to appeal to any gearhead) aside, even a run-of-the-mill Conti is a total ass hat car. Anything driven predominantly by rappers, professional athletes and anyone else with more money than taste, no matter how you tart it up, is seriously

I didn't know Chipotle opened a franchise in Ibiza.

Anything this douchenozzle drives.

The Evo already screams Wannabe Boy Racer, but once you slap an ugly-ass hood and a front spoiler that even Bruce Campbell's chin would call "too much," it becomes an instant Ass Hat Mobile. And if I wore pop-collared shirts and spent more on hair gel and self tanner than I do on food, I'd totally be driving it.

Unless it was for one of the many, many piss jokes in the first two movies.

Congratulations! Your insistence that you're right "just because" without offering any compelling evidence to support your argument has made you my pick for Troll Of The Day! You had some stiff competition too, what with all the "my phone is better than your phone" dick-measuring going on over here. Nice work!

In honor of your COTD coinciding with Atlantis' final return to Earth, here's a picture of an astronaut puking in his helmet. Congrats!

"I shall never forget the way the stream of vomit looped and hung in the air a moment before falling."

No matter what we say, how logical and well-reasoned our counter-arguments, we're flaming simply by responding. By prefacing the comment with "I've been flamed for this before and I'm gonna get flamed again, but..." timeToy has turned the Europe v. USA debate into an unwinnable argument over beliefs, like Pro-life v.

Yeah, nothing like a haggard 3rd gen with mismatched wheels and the ever-popular "felon stance." Sadly, they probably wouldn't have sold as many toys. Or 5th gen Camaros.

Based on the pictures in the article, the French licensing courses don't appear to be nearly as tight. Likewise, the tests they describe only seem to involve simple slaloms and avoiding a single obstacle, as opposed to the more complex maneuvers shown in the video. I'm not sure where you're getting that the idea that

I figured any Jalop who crams that much indecipherable techno-jargon into a comment would appreciate a visit from ol' Ogre.

That's why people think cops are asshats.

Given Bumblebee's origins, the Cruze makes more sense than a Camaro.