Professor Slowmobile

Speaking for the 21st century, all I want in a TV is good picture and sound, because that's what I'm actually paying attention to when I'm planted in my couch's ass-groove. I fully agree with you that when household appliances were designed with the same care and forethought as furniture (not that modern furniture is


That's more of an AT&T issue than an iPhone issue, and I don't think anyone will be stepping up to defend those assbags. My roommate has a Verizon iPhone, and he has zero signal problems even when mine says "no service." Fucking AT&T.

For people who use personal computers as appliances and nothing more, I'd say iPhones are perfect, which is why your Camry metaphor makes perfect sense. Not everyone who cares about cars cars about computers, and vice-versa. My dad, for example, has an entire room in his house devoted to various computer projects, but

For not using it often, I commend you on your use of the English language. But I can't get behind the argument that you shouldn't buy an iPhone just because they're popular. That's like saying you shouldn't listen to The Beatles just because they're the most popular band in history. It's also an outdated argument,

You lost me on that last point. Are you saying that the iPhone is inferior to Droid phones because it's easier to use, or that iOS has some kind of built-in rape whistle?

'Nuff said.

It's not. I've had my 3GS for two and a half years, and aside from a couple small scuffs on the back it looks like I bought it yesterday.

Cases like this aren't really designed to prevent scratches. They're more for shock protection, which makes me wonder if aluminum is the best material to use. As cool is it is, this case is probably more fashionable than utilitarian. Still, DO WANT.

So Droid phones with pointless, battery-killing gimmicks like 3D screens and built-in projectors exist to attract what, hardcore techno-enthusiasts?

Not many, actually. Most of the people I know still using iPhones with cracked screens aren't in denial, they just don't want/can't afford to replace a phone for what basically amounts to cosmetic damage. every iPhone or iPod I've seen with a cracked screen still works fine.

The reason you never see neat stuff like this for Droid phones is because Apple only makes one phone per generation, but there are dozens upon dozens of Droid-based phones currently on the market [] . It's not financially viable for small third-party accessory makers to develop stuff like this for even

Believe me, I was bound for the hot place with the guy in the red pajamas well before this.

JP-II approves of this DeSoto.

Now playing

"I did it for the lulz." -Thomas Alva Edison

When they came up with the title "Rockstar Parking," they were probably thinking of Vince Neil "parking" his DeTomaso Pantera on Sunset Strip in 1984.

Now playing

No question. 8:47 of pure WRC carnage on some of the most vicious stages in history. You can almost smell the Finlandia being passed around back at the pits.