Professor Slowmobile


Sam Raimi's '73 Delta 88 (aka The Classic) never looked finer than after it's transformation into the Deathcoaster in Army Of Darkness.

When asked about their fellow sewer denizens' reluctance to comment, Gurg, spokesman for the Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers (also known as C.H.U.D.s), had this to say: "Grrrr. Rawr rrrrrr grawr grrrrr."

CarFax should've hired this guy. I hear he's hurting for work.

The car's owner (seen at left) surprisingly wasn't all that bothered by the *ahem* cleansing his car received.

That's why I always wear one of these when getting ID photos taken. Of course, I do occasionally get mistaken for Jay Leno.

Dennis Weaver's 1970 (or '71 or '72, depending on the shot) Plymouth Valiant would be a close second

The 1955 Peterbilt 281 taker truck from Duel would be my first choice, because someone already suggested the 'Cuda from Highwaymen.

As you can probably guess, Ferruccio Lamborghini wanted to prove to ol' Enzo that he could build a better spazzaneve for the road...

Needs a more stylish paint job.

The mysterious Racer X, who is actually Speed's long-lost brother?

What, are you too good to dishonor Hitler by crapping in a parking lot?

"We hates the Porchses, don't we, Precious? Yes, nasty, tricksy Porchses!"

It could also be when the woman in question gets a fatty underarm flap that blends seamlessly with the side of the breast. I've always referred to the condition as "side-boob spare tire."

People often accuse Mercedes drivers of being weiners, so I guess this makes sense.

Now playing

Do you know who I am? Huh? Do you know who I am? I'M BUDDY FUCKING HOLLY, THAT'S WHO I AM!

Or this guy.

Or a picture of John Denver and the words, "Don't be this guy."

I'm suddenly reminded of some other excellent, humorous advice on how to not do something.