
I fear I would've reacted ... badly ... to that situation. Like "flee the theater after punching the guy next to me in the crotch to stun him and leave him as bait" badly.

I accept your Internet hand in Internet marriage on behalf of the post.

"This Woman's Work" should really be the score for that video.

My husband and I rewound and watched it in slow mo so we'd know for sure. We didn't want a Greedo situation.

Heh. Hearted.

You had me at "romantic time-travel musical."

Excellent point. Maybe that show needs an injection of campiness to stop being so ... meh.

Ha! Nice.

You have a keen eye for television programming trends ...

"I think there will need to be a younger, cooler person than me ..."

Not for a character that central to the storyline, though. You throw your core demographic a bone with a fun cameo or a one-off character. But the Governor? You get an Actor with a capital A for a role like that. I'm over the moon at the prospect of John Hawkes.

@Shadowpuppets Precisely!

I'll slag on GRRM's writing for many, many reasons, but battle scenes aren't one of them. Blackwater was brilliant.

Me too. All the hand-wringing over "Will HBO catch up before he finishes the series?" Silly rabbits, HBO will cancel it well before then. It's just too expensive.

Thanks for the reminder! Now I remember reading that GRRM was writing that ep, so of course, you're right. He won't let somebody run on camera and say, "M'lords, it was a terrible battle!" and then carry on with the aftermath.

Oh man, I hope they have the resources to pull of the Battle with the epic-osity that it deserves.

Troof. I'd also take the Leaving Las Vegas-era Cage. Heck, I'm even OK with The Rock-era Cage, when the fun action movies seemed like a detour rather than a depressing downward spiral.

There's a lot about Nicolas Cage in 2012 that I don't like.

Many of those phrases work well in social science research, too. I'm guilty of a few of them in a series of cases.

My husband, too. But to me, he's always Luther Lee Boggs.