
goes by quick when every day has the exact same news stories

I liked test-driving this, but an LX CVT really felt like it needed to be $18,000 instead of $21,000. Honda’s selling so many that they just laughed me out the door when I tried to smoosh the price below $20,000.

If you ever see the inside of an HR-V, look at the flimsy cardboard/fiberboard “carpet” they come with.

This is the kind of engineering insanity I wish we could have in racing.
If we’re gonna go in a circle, let’s really go in a circle.

I can’t imagine living in a way that requires other people to change shit because of what I want for me

Seriously, it defies imagination

Serious question:

What exactly is the problem with the (second-gen) Colorado/Canyon?
I’m seeing a lot of “they’re crap” here, but about what? Because if it’s the infotainment system, big deal I’d be getting a WT-trim anyway.

That’s true, I have seen a lot of hot sauce, mustard, horseradish, etc. in the food areas.

Remember, everything in here cost $18,000-26,000 per pound to deliver.
So don’t go wasting that $36,000 bottle of Sriracha!

edit: this comment sounds negative but i’m actually loving this flythrough and take no exception to expensive hot sauce

Honestly, I’m a little disappointed that the domino effect couldn’t chain around to the other 4 columns. If you’re gonna knock over something expensive, hell, why not knock over everything?

That phony should have known better.
You back in! Back!

Now imagine if it lost 900 lbs.  

The question every Houstonian eventually asks themselves!

Though his office did mysteriously burn down

It’s mostly rooted in spite at this point

...Notrees, Brownfield, Plains, Hereford, Bovina, Needmore...
You can’t write this stuff!

To be fair, anybody who’s witnessed at least one election in their lives should know half of these things, and yet here we are...getting e-mails from our grandparents to tell us all about the real story.

Because they hate her, because Fox News says you must.
Also let’s not forget that Benghazi is a suspicious-sounding word.
It’s not complex, it’s just frustrating.

Is there an app to make an Android phone start recording video with a few surreptitious button combos or something? Under normal circumstances it would take me about ten seconds of looking at the screen and fumbling around.

Look at all the space to move your feet around!
I’m sick of consoles

For the benefit of commenting humanity:

The entire fuselage is pressurized, except for a tiny space at the nose for a radome, and a tiny space at the rear for the elevator spar.