Princess Catnip

Good. No one associated with anything traditional should be anywhere near his ass to sully themselves. Everything about this inaugeration - and this presidency, really - should have to be harder for him than it has been for previous presidents just to ram home the point that this presidency is not normal.

There was a quote, or interview (I think it was this film actually), where Debbie said “who will take care of her when I’m gone?”

Nothing would make me happier than see her use that money for an even bigger pool party.

the former officer violated her constitutional rights by using excessive force.

I know it’s Texas and all, but there must be some legitimate grounds for her to file a lawsuit against that fat man in the jorts.

It really seems to capture the “armistice” that occurs when you have an aging parent and you grudgingly decide to try to make things work despite past history. My father wasn’t a nice guy. Bright, politically opinionated, and well-read, but also nasty, manipulative and self-centered. (Actually, my mom was much the

I really wish I could call my mom. She passed away in June from a heart attack. Carrie Fisher’s death has hit harder as a result due to the similarities. My mom was 63, three years older than Carrie, and I am 27, three years older than Billie. It hurts.

Yes. Totally understand how she could just say, “I want to go be with her.”

This made me cry, my mom was the only person who understood me and my MI, and I just lost her this past May.

My grandmother died on the 19th last month, so both Debbie and Carrie’s death hit wayyy to close to home then i thought it would.

This made me very sad, and explains the proximity of their deaths.

“Just do what your mother says; it makes life easier.”

I didn’t tear up, but I have a hellava lump in my throat.

all emotions

Okay, I cried.