Princess Catnip

Please, please hire this guy/gal if you ever find out who he or she is, even if you only invite them for one little Gizmodo article.

Perhaps you could explain it to us normals who don’t keep up with the latest Nazi fashions?

If he cleaned it up soon afterward, I’d forgive him.

LOLs. Best line: “It’s not name dropping, because she’s really my friend.”


Good. I hope she wins.

I imagine that Debbie was hanging on to look after Carrie. And when Carrie left, Debbie let go, too.

Right, and CEOs are judged on their ability to serve an even bigger pile of BS in the next funding round.

The makeup. The turtleneck. It’s clownish, to be honest.

I’d like to read a psychological analysis of her by a medical professional. Because pretty much from day one, she struck me (and my untrained eye) as more than just a little weird. Is she narcissistic? Is she some other kind of crazy?


I don’t get the vending machine thing. The vending machines must be quite expensive to build and they seem to already be a major roadblock for getting the Spectacles in the hands of buyers. Why doesn’t Snap sell the glasses online or through ordinary retailers? Are there not enough glasses? Would they sell out too

I’m seriously questioning whether Snowden and Assange aren’t puppets themselves right now, consciously or not. They are essentially being held captive by Russia and Ecuador, though with just enough freedom to spout whatever their captors approve of through the internet. I wouldn’t believe a thing they say anymore.

I would’t blame you if you requested a different beat from your bosses. At the very least, you deserve more vacation time for your own mental health.

Thank you for the laugh. I needed it.

I’m betting that Michelle is the one who nixed the photo op. I bet she doesn’t want to be within 100 yards of the Orange One.

Isn’t being forced to work without pay a kind of illegal? I guess they could quit if they want to, but they might want to hire a lawyer to challenge the salary cap.

How did you end up in the Deadspin writing job, coming from geology, that is?

Update: I found the live post. I’m gonna be over there. :D