I’m pretty sure celebs fake phone calls in public like this to A) look important and B) politely avoid interruptions by bystanders.
I’m pretty sure celebs fake phone calls in public like this to A) look important and B) politely avoid interruptions by bystanders.
Rei Kawakubo gets the last laugh.
I agree. Except that they should pay more than $5 Million (given that at least half of that will go to the victim’s lawyers).
It’s right there in the NY Times article:
It’s obvious that Columbia accelerated her tenure review because they planned to can her as fast as possible. That $20 Million will make for a nice parting gift.
All you have to do is see the video of Columbia University President Lee Bollinger turn his back on Emma Sulkowicz and refuse to shake her hand during the graduation ceremony to understand that Columbia does not stand by victims of sexual harassment or assault. Link: http://nymag.com/thecut/2015/05…
It’s so scary to think that no matter how famous you are or how much money you have, you could still end up captive in your old age to your business manager or housekeeper. Aren’t there elder abuse laws against that?
Question: Did you apply for the position through a job ad or did they come to you?
RIP JCrew.
I would never carry a Tiffany pen around a hospital with germs and viruses. Give me a pack of 10 Bic pens! I could throw away 9 with germs and still have 1 left. That’s luxury.
Who is Bob Mackie? Why should we care?
Probably because Sanders has been tone deaf when responding to questions about issues facing African Americans, often reducing the issue to his favorite theme of income inequality.
Does this mean Dash can’t put Director of Minority Outreach on her LinkedIn?
Forcing someone to work for you against their will is slavery. Slavery, slavery, slavery. The talk of contracts and money—it doesn’t really matter. It’s still slavery if you’re forcing someone to work for you against their will.
The improv scene is weird, cultish, and generally unhealthy. There is something about the improv culture that attracts perpetrators and victims like they were made for each other to not only work out their demons, but to do it on stage in front of a live audience. I wouldn’t recommend getting involved in improv to…
You should read Clancy’s book Executive Orders. It’s a little too close to what happened on 9/11.
Let me guess: Taxes.
Krakowski. Is that the guy from the Office?
I’m saving this comment forever.