Princess Catnip

And C: Wear $400 dresses.

Gawker needs more Sam Elliot. Moar Sam Elliot!!

Lol, seriously. If anyone could make me want all of that, it would be any commercial with Sam Elliot.

Wait, what? Is that the same Sam??? No, way!!

She’s going to regret throwing her youth away one way.

Seriously, Mr. Bear, no one is going to up-vote our selfie if you don’t show a little more enthusiasm. Say, “Cheese!”

The real background of the man in this picture, Cord Meyer, is more interesting than that of “Einstein’s therapist.”

Awesome! :D

Nobody possesses originality anymore. Also, I’d loooove to know who that Prada rep was. Seriously, she kicked ass at her job!

Seriously. Why is this being reported in the Washington Post???

Am I the only person who identified this story as one long, free advertisement for Brown’s CPW apartment??

This is an idiotic move on de Blasio’s part and, if he’s serious, enough to lose me as a supporter. It shows that he doesn’t understand how to make NYC more livable, doesn’t know how to manage crime in the NYC, and, most of all, doesn’t have his priorities straight. Maybe if he worked more on improving education,

Yup. Just one big hurricane is all it takes. Or an earthquake.

So happy!

And NYTimes managed to only interview the outliers. Riiight. Hope you like your job.

Where’s the Starbucks?? Time to get me some of that real pumpkin stuff.

As a matter of fact, yes.

OMG, you must, must always illustrate your stories like this! Love it.

I have the feeling that as long as you have the right friends at Amazon—or got in early and so rose up the corporate ladder (and culture) as the company grew—then you are probably in a cushy spot. But I bet not many of the 100,000+ employees are so lucky.

I read the article, Jeff Bezos’ reply, Nick Ciubotariu’s article, many commenter’s replies either from former employees or from Seattle people who know of Amazon’s culture, and many other previous articles, such as this from a year ago. The proof is there, but it sounds like you don’t want to hear it.