
Maybe it's skepticism. Maybe it's Kickstarter malaise. Maybe people just don't care.

Dude, what the hell? No one needs your rational arguments or non-biased views on the subject. Now let's get back to what we're here for...

I'd have a hard time getting behind a 'hero' that murdered people. I mean, then wouldn't you have to play as another 'hero' to come and murder the first 'hero' for murdering? But then you'd have to come murder the new guy for murdering. Then another guy would have to murder the new 'new' guy...

Batman never kills.

Didn't the devs state that it would be a completely new character, not just an old one in a mask?

The difference is that Hex is a direct copy. Sure Hearthstone may be similar but that's not why Wizards is suing. Wizards is suing Hex because it's a straight copy of MtG. Every mechanic in the game is copied and renamed.


Can't refute the points...

They were probably waiting for more information about it and when it became clear that every single mechanic of the game is taken straight from MtG and renamed they decided to act.

The turn structure is identical, the combat structure, game mechanics, hand size, deck size. In fact every single aspect of the game that I can find is identical to MtG. Including some elements is one thing but wholesale copying the game and renaming some stuff is not cool.

Woah, Hearthstone has a card-based resource system that taps for mana? The creatures tap when attacking and cannot block next turn?

Copy/Pasted from the other thread.

There's a difference between a game that uses similar elements from Magic and a game that straight up copies several game mechanics and just renames them. What follows was written by someone else but it's pretty on the nose. Please explain how Hex isn't a Magic clone.

You may want to go and read up a bit on the issues people have with Youtube's copyright policies. It has nothing to do with people not liking the laws, it's because Youtube turned over all copyright control to a system that can be easily abused.

Then why do all the major streams claim that Youtube makes it very frustrating and complicated to stream.

Follow the money!

Your English isn't that bad, it's you that sucks. You're a shitty person and you suck.

Man don't lump us all in with the CoD crowd. I personally plan to be playing AC 5 or 6 on it.

Actually, that sounds like you can only get them for a limited time...

With all the changes to the Xbone, it's now a serious contender for me to purchase. I'm going to pick up one of the next gen systems at the holidays for my family so it'll depend on what games are offered for GWG/PS+ and exclusives. Currently neither system has exclusives that I care very much about.