Say till all are one again...

I know this is going to sound unpopular for me to say but seriously can we stop trying to turn into Jezebel and start being Kotaku? I get you are trying to be socially conscious and make a point about social norms, respect, and equality. But this is a blog about video games. If you are picking up a copy of GTA and

I have to say I have more rage and anger while watching the news and reading comments on blogs than when I play video games or relax and watch a movie.

I might be the only person here that thinks this, but I prefer to have seperate apps for some of my applications. All my eggs in one basket kind of thing mentality has never worked all that well for me.

Some days I feel like Jezebel leaks all over my Kotaku.

Side note. If you root your device it may be incompatible. You will have to be creative (*COUGH* *COUGH* Check XDA *COUGH* *COUGH*) For your rooted device's version.

Again, call me a conspiracy nut... but FF is just a start of other amatuer fighters of the LGT community that are starting to pop up.

Call me a conspiracy theory nut, but this really only has an affect in Louisianna and they may be doing this because of Fallon Fox (Transgender man to woman who recently had reconstructive surgery to complete the transformation). Fox I believe was scheduled to fight there later this year.

You mean similar to this?

Outside of the obvious that the person that rented needs to have a psychiatric exam for renting to these people, and the obvious that the people renting should be steralized for human benefit; it should probably be stated that if this was a one night thing and not a summer thing.... it would have been one helluva


Like I said, most people think like you do and replace every year or two years. With that I have no problem with. I have repurposed my old iPhones and still use them in some capacity. For me I saw the differences back when the 3g and the 3gs came out. A year later after the 3gs came out 50% of the iOS upgrades /

64bit architecture is going to be encouraged. I haven't delved to much into the gold master, but it seems like they have expanded a bunch of tools to encourage this and to promote this going forward. I would expect to see a few applications that will only run on 5s and up within 6 to 7 months or at least a push to


Take a look at the BMW X1 25i (twin turbo)

Sorry, Where was Jezebel when Damon Wayne got killed? So we get in an uproar because they don't allow gay marriage but we are ok with children getting killed in comics?

Actually if you thought about it.. The women were more covered up (with the exception of one) than the men. The men were set and displayed practically eagle with just underwear. The women were all wearing underwear (Minus one) and covering their breasts.

Currently I ride a Yamaha R1 (2011) and have a 2013 BMW X5 M sport

I think what MotorcycleRider is trying to say is "Sieg Heil" my grammar friend.

Sorry man, but not all people that drive these are like that. I can only own one vehicle outside of my motorcycle where I live due to parking space issues. I took a high performance SUV because, well I like to drive fast but occasionally like to go camping. Yes I could have gone into WRX or another wagon, but for

Somebody just took all of us to school.