Say till all are one again...

I'm sorry but I think criminal charges should be brought up no matter what the case. Look if somebody had stolen something like... oh I don't know that neighbors ugly ass car that had been blocking other neighbors driveways and dropped it into compactor there would be criminal charges brought up.

For the efforts put into to save a few pennies you have spent more in time and effort only to get an inferior product. You would be better off setting up your own water distiller and do a boil and evaporation effect if you are on hell bent on not spending the money on water filters.

Thank you for the information

Is there a Malware Scanner for OSX?

I'm never quiet sure what to make of this woman. She seems down to earth, amazing gaming and production skills with her games, but her answers from time to time has me on the fence about if I like her as a person or not.

I typically play my favorite characters (Flash, Raven), but was recently educated by a few friends on that Batman is often the best choice for most people primarily because of his heavy reversals and ability to counter.

I'm sorry but your better off molding the sugur to the concha so that the earpeace fits firmly between the anti-helix and tragus. I find that over the ear clips often give me ear fatigue and interfere if I have to put on glasses of any kind. With the smooth mold you can reduce noise reduction (which can be very

Yes. Run bootcamp with Windows.

Everybody, not just google takes from the modding community. Most of iOS "enhancements" came from the modders. Many of Window's features were borrowed. However I do have to tip my hat to you, Carbonrom is smooth as butter most of the time.

Aquaman is going to be pissed about this.

Somebody could, but then again :

This is about as much "hacking" the car as me letting myself into your house with your house keys and changing your TV that you are using with another remote control.

That wasn't where I was going with that. I just don't like leotards. None of them look as good in real life as they do with the comics. That is why if I decide to do comicon next year I would go as this. Eagle and all

Only thing that ever stops me from doing the cosplay bit is .. well the leotards.

Man I use to love that game back in the day. It was the perfect game that any music beat seemed to go well with.


Not sure if this counts or not but recently I've had my information stolen from an in store computer that somebody injected a trojan on. It was one of those kiosks that they ring you up at but is also has public access. They actually caught on when multiple people from the same store started having huge purchases

Actually you should probably go back to school. Racism is encompasing bigotry. In fact in the United States there have been laws that have been passed to prevent people from being excluded from jobs just for having to ethnic sounding of a name (Jim Crow Laws ring a bell?). Making fun of somebody's culture including

Would love to know what the times were on that lap