Say till all are one again...

Fastest and easiests way to make money doing almost nothing.

Ok 11gs may be a bit much, but you forget Newton's laws of motion (I'll cut and paste from Wikipedia because I'm too lazy to type them all out right now).

The braking distance on a vehicle is determined by a few things, weight, brake pads, and reaction time. So with a distance of three feet the range rover would have to vastly reduce its weight, or have had to ridiculously upgrade its brakes. This isn't an apple to apple comparison. This is why every car on the road

So you are saying it is more efficient and safer than the ways they do it in DC by just standing in the doorway?

Excellent point. But let me counter with, the bikers started it. If you try attacking somebody's family better be prepared to be Grand Theft Auto'ed as you eloquently put it. What purpose did Meis have out there in front of the vehicle again? Did he have a license? Was his motorcycle legal? Let me guess, he was

Now playing

I would agree with your analogy but in your example the leader gives you a choice. You can hit him or not. In this example, the biker cuts in front of the Range Rover and brake checks with less than 3 feet. Now doing the math, the only way Lien could have stopped from running into the bike would have been to stop

I have to ask this question. Do you believe that he should not have hit her solely because she is a woman or are you that because she was a woman her attacks were less effective than his single attack? If for example it had been two men and one of them had attacked him in the same manner would you be against him

I'm sure this man would disagree with you

Sorry but this guy lost all credability when he sold his children to be raped by the Fox Studios. Seriously if I were Stan Lee I would kill myself just to roll over in my own grave at some of the Spiderman / Xmen movies.

Sorry, but in reading your previous statements I took it as an implied thing. So for inferring the wrong thing from your message, I apologize. As for your situation, well that sucks however depending upon the room you were in when the investigation was held you may find that some of that was recorded. I would have

Yes, well I hate to tell you, but the Autobahn does have speed limits and there are only sections that you can drive as fast as you want to. You will also see people driving on their cell phones at those speeds or using wireless headsets.

I won't change my last name at all period. However, this is probably why I won't get married either.

Yes.. because lawyers are typically associated with truth and honor. Those evil cops are out to steal my soul and lie and generally be horrible people and bully all of us. If there was only some way to stop these evil people and their lies!!!!

So a bike going 5 - 10 over the limit isn't any more dangerous than say a person on their cell phone?

Your world of fear and animosity sounds horrible.

But .. .But... how are we suppose to rabble rabble rabble?

You are so right. I wish there was some kind of antiquated amendment to hide behind and deep pocketed people to lobby to protect gun owners rights....

Not that I don't believe you, but I don't see where it said that on the website. Did you see that on another site? Is this confirmed?

Well, I used the fuelband for a short while then went with a fitbit device before I lost it recently. I've held of on trying to replace it since I was hoping to get news about this and the new Fitbit.

GPS is a 3rd for me as I'm a gym rat. I don't get a huge op to do a ton of trail running. Then again when I do man you are right it would be awesome.