
You spelt awesome physics wrong.

I don't get it. I never got to play Halo because I was a PS2/PS3 owner. I didn't complain that Halo never came to these consoles. Same with Mass Effect. But lo and behold, years later, at least I got to play the ME trilogy. Just give it time and I'm sure everyone will get everything they want.

Xbox owners, you're getting a lot more of Destiny than Playstation owners ever got of Halo.

Wow, I really do hope things turn around. It's sad when a good company have to exit because of financial woes. I'll forever remember THQ. Especially WCW on N64. Greatest wrestling game EVER!

I'm surprised that no one else in the comments thinks this had anything to do with betting chips on an OUYA exclusive (Soul Fjord). As one of the few people who genuinely liked Dark Void, I'm sad to see Airtight close (and I'm always sad to see folks lose jobs), but someone really should have reevaluated the Soul

People can do this, but I..........

Your list looks frightfully similar to my list. Something tells me you have PS Plus. Amirite? ;)

So many I got for free too. It's a great value. And if a troll throws that "it's renting" crap to me, eat my frickin shoe. I'm playing games and saving money.

INB4 Trolls.. BEHOLD, GAMES! Can't wait to add Borderlands 2 and Injustice to my library!

Nah, I'd say your idiotic comment does. Context seems to mean nothing to you. Be sure not to look behind you. There's colors back there. I don't know if you can see anything beyond black and white. It might be scary.

there are plenty of game engines available for you to make a game with, but that would require effort.

But all they've done is chosen (most likely for story purposes but their PR guys have fucked up) is not to include female playable characters. Now if they'd chosen to have the majority of their female population in the games treated as hookers or were blatantly portraying women as subservient to men then all this

Except the series has starred a Middle Eastern man, an Italian man, a black woman, and a Native American. Sounds pretty diverse.

This is a mountain made from a molehill. Video games were better when people stooped trying to inject their social commentaries into them and just enjoyed the game. Not everything is an attack on gender, race, or sexual preferences and and people are becoming overly sensitive to a point where it's almost silly.

I also own the XB1 Kinect, and 'awesome tech' is giving it a bit too much credit. Will it become "awesome" in the future after a plethora of software/firmware updates? Perhaps. Until the kinect's voice and body recognition goes from 50% or less reliable to something around 95% reliable, I can't in good conscience heap

People aren't mad because Assassin's Creed doesn't have women, they're mad because Ubisoft lied about how difficult it would be to add women. I think the Far Cry 4 team was more honest, and I can't see them receiving the same blow back. I'd bet a couple bucks that Far Cry 5 has women, as conciliatory as that sounds.

A visual representation of what Microsoft tried to do.

A lot of us don't play games primarily to relax.. For the immersive/stressful/scary stuff it's ideal.

I believe that there is a difference between taking risks and FORCING an issue. Always online, disadvantages to used games, "Download only" future (I believe I had heard at one point iirr), Kinect mandatory forcing a higher price point.