
the "you can't see the FPS difference" one vexes me, as if someone else can't and I can.. Either they have *seriously* defective vision, or I have ninja skills. Is it that 30FPS looks better to them than it does to me, or is it that 60fps looks worse?

I'm PC masterrace, just so you know. I am also a game-artist and I know whats going on there in this video because I create stuff like that.

"PC Elitest" here, and I still say PS4's particle effects are far beyond that which other generations could perform. You obviously know NOTHING about how difficult physics processing is.

Man, shut the f@#$ up! You're an embarrassment to gamers. As someone who sees the benefits of BOTH consoles, your comments make me second guess my thoughts on XB1. I've read through your post (other threads too) and all you do is jump in and bash Sony while hyping MS...even when the story doesn't involve Sony, you

Please - give examples? Really? Mid 2000s?

1st: you repeat yourself

2nd: only because your perception is flawed doesn't make it right. There never such thing as a 360/PS4 comparison video.

Just read the Eurogamer comparison (which is neither incorrect nor flawed but rather objective) and shut the fuck up. You embarrass yourself by your fanboyism.

P.S. On BF4 for

It's not too late to cancel your Xbone preorder. You don't have to dedicate the next 8 years of your life defending an underpowered console. Make the switch now and avoid all that heartache.

I don't think it's supposed to appeal to everyone.. But it really is beautiful at 60fps and 1080, neither of which really works out too well with youtube.

My Vita is ready

I just played Ico with remote play last night for the first time. If they can do that with with all ps4 games. HOTDAMN!

Again, so fans opinions are less worthy than some critic.

So the opinions of many isn't as good as the biases of one.

Yeah, we are taught history to learn from it, not to continuously keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again.

But the world is flat isn't it?

Because it is a problem that the genetic end of our species still works with the mindset of a 100 years ago.

I've never heard of Girls Generation, but I'm not a fan of any pop idol singers, so I doubt it's something I'd care about.

But jesus all the racism kinda pisses me off.

Wow, now I understand why some employers look through the Twitter feeds of potential applicants. So many forget it's visible to EVERYONE.

So, why not: