
Apparently they have to. The steam keys that were resold/stolen were disabled, so apparently nothing was really lost.

I imagine that third parties pay a hefty fee to use those servers as well. I doubt very much Microsoft provides them for free.

Xbox Services are supported by advertising.

Early signs of overheating issues I'm guessing.

I guess this is the only cool game on Xbox One, so its understandable why Microsoft would waste so much money doing something like this.

I'm just saying. You know, because this guy thought that PS4 fans would go en masse vote down some Xb1 video.

True that. If they bother to open two doors, you just know they're trying to see something.

Well, not like Windows Media Center Extender ever works properly. *grumble* Microsoft is yet another company that is #FAIL when it comes to having various divisions of their own company work in concert properly or seamlessly, which I would argue is one of the most important aspects of ruling the home entertainment

Except that there's really no reason not to like it.

that's a vast over simplification. MS gives you which games for free? a good lot of them are actually F2P, and you need Gold to go on multiplayer. The game won't even work without gold, so it's not them giving away games in those cases. It's MS trying to act like they're being generous while there's tons of F2P

I think the early part of this gen is going to be marked by fan-feedback causing iterations in hardware and software.

Or, you know, some people might actually not like it.

I wasn't trying to be serious here, but now that you put it that way, I'll have to use logic. Cod Ghosts will outsell Titanfall, hands down. It's releasing on 6 different platforms, instead of 2, and it's an established i.p. Don't be naive, and "try again."

With these news, I don't think MS has a Ghost of a chance to beat Sony.

Knack is the only one I really want to play. Just look at that guy!

have you not heard of ebay, where people will pay double price for something they failed to pre-order and cant wait till a store gets one in stock?

Not really looking forward to any these games, unfortunately... But I'm still looking forward to getting my PS4 at launch. It'll be pretty quiet until NFS Rivals drops.

And I'm sure it'll be worth it once Yakuza Ishin gets localized, right SEGA?

... Right?...

Seriously, who gives a shit if I can buy them on other consoles. They are weaker versions. This whole argument is stupid.

Why would I purposely buy an inferior product?

Why play it on a last-gen system, though? PC and PS4/XBOne at this point.

Why would you buy hardware based purely on launch titles? We've got years of content on the way. Buy now, enjoy the new features and pretty graphics, and prepare for an awesome 5+ years of quality gaming. There are enough available to keep most people busy for a few months, it's not like game development stops after