Does no one in America know the meaning of the word “treason”?
Does no one in America know the meaning of the word “treason”?
If we don’t keep highlighting his unfitness he will cakewalk into the nomination and be destroyed by Trump in the general election.
One thing that must be understood about narcissistic parents is that they frequently pit their kids against each other. The special bond between (normal, healthy) siblings is seen as a threat to the parent.
What even is this?! Never seen or heard of this ever. When I try to google it, the only place this shows up is a website named (I shit you not) Woody Allen Mob Lynching! I am crying I’m laughing so hard! This doesn’t even read like scientific documentation!! Oh my god my sides!!!!!!
Yesterday the guy at the counter at the little bitty liquor store I sometimes go to, and always joke around with when he’s there, complimented me on my dress. Then he stopped and said, “I’m sorry, I’m probably not supposed to say stuff like that.” I replied, “Of course you can! Everyone loves a good compliment. What…
That story about going through a grocery store and accidentally grabbing a Beyond Beef package, he doesn’t say what the bad consequence of that is. Given his position, I’m assuming he thinks accidentally not feeding his son real beef will turn him gay?
Kushner Assures Worried Ivanka They’d Definitely Be Last Jews To Go - Again, the Onion
Sanders: “Medicare for All is comprehensive. It covers all healthcare needs for senior citizens. It will finally include dental care, hearing aids, and eyeglasses.”
It is very true. It is also really hard for people to grasp that a person who is charming, polite, and all-around upstanding to most but terrible to others isn’t necessarily lying or faking the nice part. Yes there’s plenty of predators who put on a nice facade, but there’s just as many, if not more, who are…
What Franken did was crass. But was it on par with a Weinstein, Jim Jordan, Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump, etc., etc., etc.? No. It wasn’t.
The “change” is that men need to learn there are consequences for this kind of harassment. You can’t lead that change for everyone else and avoid facing consequences for yourself.
I’m so sick of people invoking “due process” when talking about #metoo. Due process is a legal term. It has a specific meaning. There is no such thing as “due process” for someone who has been accused of sexual misconduct but is not being charged with a crime - they either face consequences or they don’t, largely…
He (and his defenders in that piece) really seem to believe that his intentions matter more here than their effect on the victims. And they just . . . don’t. If you’re a man in the 21st century kissing women at work, it’s not their job to figure out whether that’s because you’re a lech or a socially awkward dork. If…
The defense of him in this piece was sooooo paltry. Oh, he’s just awkward. Oh, that’s just his humor. Oh, it’s just an “asshole” “character,” that’s not how he “really” is. It’s just show business! It’s just politics! I’m just a touchy-feely guy! He’s just a hugger!
And that’s it, isn’t it? Excuses excuses excuses.…
This is the opposite of this blog... it says “Relax!” not “RAAAGE!!!!ARGHLBLARGL!!!!!”
“Article II allows me to do whatever I want.”
Somehow the code always goes unheeded. They’ll badmouth Kap while simultaneously having their raggedy-ass flags hanging out in the rain, at night, always on the car door, etc.
Kaep didn’t have to get political, he should have told the other truth: putting the American flag on any clothing that isn't a uniform is classless and tacky.
Well, to be more accurate you can say “FORMER strippers rapping,” and it usually sounds better than a lot of the mumble rappers who sound like the Cookie Monster rapping*. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯