Don't Fear the Prim Reaper

If all we’re looking at is gaining votes, yes, dropping the pro-choice stance will gain Democrats a number of votes. The other side of that coin is the votes they will lose because of it. Abortion is often viewed as a “purity test” within the Democratic party, but usually, only by those who aren’t affected by it. I’m

I’m the only woman in a department of man-babies, so I keep my mouth shut and my eyes open for other jobs. But there are so many unspoken snarks. So, so many.

My sexist dickbag coworkers are crying a river of piss baby tears. If you find that rehab, link me, please.

If your costume requires your skin be darkened to be recognizable, it probably wasn't very good in the first place. If a white person wanted to dress as, say, Lana from Archer, a sweater dress, thigh highs, a flip wig, and a holster vest would do it. The costume is distinct, recognizable, and is less likely to offend.

Beaverton, Oregon!? Seriously?

I've been teased about my five head since I was a child so I'm going to venture that yes, we care, though we aspire not to (Royal "we", I can't speak for all women).

Dude, Dulce DE Lecherous sounds delicious and, as a former girl scout, will be the name of my all lesbian band.

Is it wrong that I'd want to wear it backwards?

My boyfriend recently dumped me out of the blue for a stupid, stupid non-reason (a reason which he was previously aware of and didn't care about, but then somehow didn't remember I ever mentioned it before) and I haven't heard from him since. As far as I knew, we weren't having any problems.

I was unspeakably excited when I read the headline, but my dream of blasting Lego xenomorphs as Lego Ripley was not to be. :'(

I think the number of hardcore female gamers is underestimated. I'm a big fan of GTA and RE, and really only ever go for softer, more casual games when I'm overly stressed. I'm not much for an FPS (they make me a little claustrophobic) but give me a third person over-the-shoulder and it's on.

Right? Even skirts are difficult with a derby booty! Everything was two inches higher in the back.

No kidding! I played roller derby for a while and my lower half was ripped. Pants were a joke.

Dood, we are body buddies!

I'm 190 pounds and a size fourteen. I'm also 5'11".

A friend who's last name is Goff told me he wanted to name his first son Jack.

Dear Mr. President,

I'm not sure about white brows but I have blonde brows, and I use a medium brown pencil to fill them in. Short strokes following the natural brows look most natural. Clinique made a pressed powder eyebrow filler with a stiff angle brush that I used as a teenager. Really, any brown eyeshadow will do.