Thanks, I seriously needed to hear that.
Thanks, I seriously needed to hear that.
(2, 4, 5, and 6 months.)
Do any of you Jezzies have experience with giant dog breeds? The first and only dog I've had before my current one was a 12lb Pomeranian. I loved that dog like a baby, until my real baby came along and he HATED her, and my husband said the dog- not the baby- had to go. (he went to a friend's…
I remember this story when you first told it - still so terrifying.
Haven't vented on here in a while and it's time...
The negative connotation is exactly why I feel I need to embrace it to show that not everyone who is a feminist fits those stereotypes. I'm mostly rather chill. Firm but chill. And also I feel like by running away from the word it's kind of like letting the people who really do not think that woman should be asking…
Excellent. We should absolutely let Foxaganda define what words we can and cannot use. They've destroyed liberal, and they're working on wrecking progressive. What will those crazy wingnuts come up with next?
Terms are important. The wingnut/misogyny crowd absolutely wants you to run fleeing from the term feminist,…
I'm not saying anyone should abandon the label, I'm just saying I really don't care what they label themselves at as long as they're not racist, misogynistic, homophobes.
I agree with the both of you. Too much negativity (thanks to media and the academic types I had to experience in a women's studies class when I was an undergrad. I felt that I was constantly bullied by the TAs and fellow students who all thought the same way - especially with body image/beauty. I think I was the…
I don't avoid it, I just don't really think it's worth fighting over a word. What do I care what they call themselves as long as they believe in equality, you know?
Exactly; the negative connotation is so strong.
I'm kind of behind the people who don't like the word. It immediately brings forth a negative connotation for so many people of angry bra burning women folk when really it's supposed about equality in general. It divides the cause from other important fights for equality when the real goal should be to make sure…
Wow, she's giving Nancy Reagan a run for her money in the "looking up adoringly" sweepstakes.
I KNOW, RIGHT? This picture OMG.
I cannot stop looking at the picture on top. I want to caption it so badly, but I'm drawing a blank. Any ideas?
Oh goodness, I think I hurt your feelings. :(
Naaaaailed it.