This reminds me of a question I've always had. Earlier today, I responded to some moron's comment and told him he was a moron, more or less. On the one hand, it seems you guys have your hands full and can't get to all the "special" people. On the other hand, I wonder if I should leave it to the professionals and…
Never mind. I'm drunk and fuck her.
First of all, for saying I am getting up there in years (I'm 22), I hope you get bi-crabs, you young bastard. But for serious, I gotta agree with Phintastic. Be who you are. The ones who love you for you won't care.
Now that one I can see you long-named bastard. I guess its just those that are replying to others as I read a thread I'm not involved in. I can't ever fucking tell who cheese mac is talking to.
Yeah I can if their name's not too long. Like I can see that CBronsonSmile responded to Phin below your last comment. Can you not see that?
Yes. And I hate when a commenter's name is too fucking long to see who they replied to. Its quite confusing.
I've been playing for about 15 years off and on myself and I got the shanks not too long ago with my wedges. I was about to break 80 as well. I started screaming my lob wedge 40 yards to the right (what the fuck?), but my swing felt normal. Have you been trying something new, like trying to fade or draw? That's…
You, my fellow nerds, may have already commented on this, but after only 2 episodes I can safely say that Game of Thrones is the best fucking thing on TV. Wolves, boobies, numerous beheadings and boobies. What could be better?
Well damn. My post right after yours was about that exact scenario. Thanks for the tip.
Agreed. I usually see all the posts after most everyone else, and feel others would have approved them if it was that funny. I always say I'm going to try and remember one I think is funny and and see if their future comments measure up, but I can barely remember to feed myself, so that don't happen. And the CWFupa…
Well I'm off tonight and drinking for the first time in over a week, so I was kind of a dick earlier. And I know, big surprise, but sometimes the urge is too strong. To drink. And be a dick.
HA! +1. Oh wait, you're serious aren't you? How about instead of your normal idiotic racist word spluges, you try a joke. Or GFY, billikenmetz.
Thanks man I'll check it out.
That's awesome man. Congratulations.
They do have markers, every 100 yards or so. But I'm SO good, I would like to know the distance down to the centimeter, so I can ring the hole. OR, I like to pretend I'm a professional, while at least handsomely looking the part. Either way...Don't hate woman, dang.
Redacted smart comment about Phin since another future first rounder is imminent. But too late about the Droid. And the app isn't to keep score, its for the GPS to tell me how far my next shot is, as I is a moron. Plus, I'm hungry. Are you ordering pizza or not?
Hello handsome gentleman/pretty ladies/Phintastic. Anyone know of a good cell phone golf GPS app? Gots a Droid X. Also, what’s with this rash? Pics forthcoming.
Do you know if the old free online broadcasts still exist since the Feds took over?
My uncle, the movie star! Family reunions are something else.