Prick Top

Well that's easy. I only drink the manliest of manly. Mt. Gay rum and Diet Coke. A Gay and Diet, as it's known among my Crossfit Bullfighting friends. I'm having one right now. Mmm, smells like the ocean after a storm.

Meanwhile, Wojo has spent all day in his submarine themed dorm room wearing his Long John Silvers' captain's hat sticking needles in his Kyrie doll. Then he fucks it.

Wow, did not know all of that. I was really trying to agree with you since I don't understand any of his posts, but I am drunk. He does seem a tad off. Didn't know about the PM's though. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Or incredibly jealous! Nah, I'm gonna go with the first one.

Now that's just mean. He has his...moment.

Congratulations Jim Calhoun. I hope you enjoy this until the NCAA rescinds it 3 years from now. I know you won't care about it then, refute it as "Haters gonna hate," and still pretend your champs. Jim Nance will still declare you "technically" the winners. Embrace it Jim, love it, but remember: Just like PT

Hey I heard today Barnes is thinking of staying. Maybe. Hopefully. Please baby Jesus! Here's to the NBA lockout that I don't care about in the least if it means Harrison has one more year before he starts for the Bobcats.

I now miss Billy Packer. And that is sad.

And I can never tell if my posts work nowadays, so I'll repeat the congrats. Well deserved.

People you don't know leaking fluids in your house? Leave it. And to this Prick, its quite humorous that someone named KobeMoneyShot finds it mean. Also, are we hoping that Butler pulls off what they should have done last year? Even though they ruined my decade with one missed shot, still gotta pull for them over

People where I live bought all the ammunition in town after he got elected just in case he made bullets illegal. Bullets. Illegal. Just saying "2nd Amendment" out loud in the South leads to mass ejaculation. That and perty cows.

Ha. Just saw this and no, it don't be true. Pretty sure Barry was huffing bath salts. And congrats on the star, well deserved.

You sir, are a handsome genius.

Now playing

I usually just hang out over at the macho man world of Deadspin, but if you don't love Keyboard Cat more than anything ever, (like I love my kitty Susan Makeya!), you ladies are what my Nana liked to call, Silly Gooses. Combine KC with a realistic after-school special AND John Oates, well, Everybody whose Anybody

That's funny as hell.

I saw that earlier with the sound down and had the same thought. Now what I'm more curious about is why Downs survivor Bobby Hurley has a soap commercial. Way to corner the floor-slapping pasty virgin market Dove.

Yeah I only watch UNC games, so I have no idea about anybody but the ACC. And I have to pick them, or they won't win. Sound logic that usually puts me in last.

I did the WSJ blind bracket and had Louisville in the finals. High basketball IQ.

Happy Birthday El Turdo!

You're in first? Goddamnit. I can't imagine you smugger.

That confused the shit out of me as well, until I looked up the tournament on Wikipedia. And then read it 8 times. It really does have the answers to all the worlds problems. Mr. Britannica must beat his wife on a nightly basis.